Birthing my own self.
Silently witnessing the unfolding.
Body and soul merging as I emerge.
Becoming one, becoming me.
Dear Family of Grace!
These words came back to me this morning, and I was inspired to make this video from our garden. I received the message a few years ago, but now, it feels more relevant than ever. As you may recall from my last message, “Coming Full Circle,” it has been quite a journey of emergence I have taken these last 11 years. Especially since my sister Lisbeth and I literally transplanted ourselves to Stavika to live and work with Eva Julia.
We arrived here in January 2020, becoming full time partners in Eva Julia’s yoga studio in downtown Molde. Then, on March 20, everything changed. Covid lockdown began in Norway. We were no longer allowed to do what we came here to do.
We did not know it at the time, but that was the beginning of Land of Grace. Because that was when we started to embrace the magic that lives here on our land. Little by little, we started to create our garden. When Eva Julia first came, there was almost nothing here except grass and paving stones.
As we started to dig, we could feel the energies themselves opening up, activating and guiding us as we worked. It was as if the land itself showed us where to plant and where to create sacred spaces. And so, what started out as a small vegetable garden, has grown into so much more. At last count, we have created around 40 flower and vegetable beds. In addition, we have our meditation path along the river, the Elf garden, fire pits and our Ceremony Circle down in the grove.
It is not just the garden that has expanded since we came here. We have also grown. It has been a process of death and rebirth. Of letting go of the old version of ourselves. Of having to say goodbye to all the plans we had, and the future we expected. Instead, we have given life to Land of Grace. And we have found our true calling. From all of the chaos of these last two years, clarity has risen.
Now, we see ourselves. Now, we KNOW why we are here. As individuals, and as a collective. Not just to BE on this land, but to share it. With you, and with all who feel the same calling to find their way home. Home to their Self. And home to humanity.
It is time to remember who we are. To rediscover our own immense potential. And to reclaim the right to live our lives in joyful collaboration with others. To quote from one of the last messages I shared as Aisha North:
” It is not an “every man for himself”- world.
Rather, it is a world that finds its strength from
the simple idea that everything and everyone is connected.
And it is only through such collaboration,
anchored in the heart,
you will build a future
that stands on the firmest of grounds.”
Our vision is to continue to expand this community more and more. To help others find their way back home to themselves by inviting them to visit Land of Grace. In person, or in this space. And thanks to you, we are already a global family. Thank you for saying YES to becoming a part of our life. We invite you to add your voice to this space too, by sharing your thoughts in the comments below. Let us co-create a future that “stands on the firmest of grounds”. We look forward to hearing from you!
With gratitude and love from all of us at Land of Grace,
Bente ❤️