Awakening the spirit of the masses.
takes a massive injection of light.
One that will be dispersed
by the likes of you.
So let your Soular Sun shine.
Let there be light, as bright as it can be.
Your Crystalline presence is needed.
For you are the Shining Ones.
The ones that will
help to ignite the fires within ALL.
Dear friends!
We have entered the last month of 2022. It has been a year filled with much drama and chaos, but also so much light. And now, in what for us up here North is the darkest month of the year, I sense the presence of even more light. These short days with little or no sunlight can be challenging. But this year, it feels very different. There is a sort of “quiet joy” in the air, as if we are being bathed in a golden flow of Sunlight. And, as today’s message says, part of the reason for our presence in this NOW, is to help to “disperse” this light far and wide. I invite you to bring your “Crystalline presence” to our December Gathering in Grace, this Sunday December 4, at 19:00 our time (UTC +1). Let us come together and be the light, as bright as we can be!
With love, light and gratitude from all of us here at OM Stavika,
Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia ๐
PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 19:00 Norway time (UTC+1) in your time zoneย here.
Dear friends! It is a calm, frosty and truly “crystalline” day here today. Thousands upon thousands of glittering crystals cover the ground . A wonderful reminder of all of our “Crystalline presence” on this planet. Let us continue to “be the light, as bright as we can be”. Looking forward to seeing you all shine during our Gathering later today ๐ ๐
Dear friends! Thank you for this beautiful Gathering! For me, it was such a joy-filled, light-filled experience. And most of all, a deeply felt sense of E X P A N S I O N ๐ It was as if my whole body grew wider and wider, enabling me to hold and disperse more and more light. The energies flowed up from the centre of Mother Earth, through my body and out into the world – and the Universe. At one point, I could see us all gathered in the field outside, in the Moonlight glittering in the frost. There were so many of us, and so many other beings where there as well. A huge gathering of souls from near and far, Ancient ones and galactic ones. It was like a Christmas party, with song, joy and lots of light. And WE were the light ๐ Thank you to each and every one of you for bringing your light to this “party”, and to this world! ๐