Solstice Celebration

The Cosmic dance of light continues.

The light outside may vary,

but within, it is always constant.

Never dimmed,

even if you yourself might

lose sight of it.

That is because

your mind tends to take over.

Clouding your days

with an incessant insistence

on having its say.

So find the stillness.

Quell that voice.

Let it go,

and let your stillness hold you.

There, the light is always present.

There, your day is always bright.

Dear friends! Sending Solstice Blessings to you all  💖 Here at Land of Grace, the days are short, wet and windy. But inside, we keep the fire burning and continue to share our light as best we can 💖 Thank you for adding your vibrant light to this world – every day, in every way 🙏

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