Equinox Message

Karmic contracts are being cleared.

Equanimity is restored.

A free passage is assured

by the Solar Pulsations.

Fine tune your perception.

Look beyond old impressions.

The New has arrived.

Do not let the old obscure that fact.

Balance is not to be sought.

Rather, a forward momentum is encouraged

by the quickening flow.

Much will take form now.

Even more will fade away.

Do not look back on what is crumbling.

Focus your gaze on what is yet to come.

Even though it is far from clearly defined,

you will know it in your heart of hearts.

It is beyond words.

Beyond description.

But already, fully within reach.

Dear friends! Sending (early) Equinox Blessings to you all, may you have a truly magical week 🙏💞☀️

The contours of your Essence

One by one,

they fall away.

The veils of illusion.

The imprints of confusion.

Clarity emerges.

Certainty appears.

Truth is looking back at you

in the mirror.

Your qualities are  becoming apparent.

Your ideas of shortcoming melt away.

The shimmering threads

that make up the core of your being

are finally coming together.

You see the contours of your Essence.

You are Homo Luminous.

The Shining One.

No more hiding under the pretence of protection.

It is more than safe to come out.

Into the light.

Into the open.

Sharing your gifts.

That is the prerequisite for fulfillment.

It is not a prophecy,

it is a fact.

So go wherever Joy takes you.

It may take you in some unexpected directions.

It may take your breath away.

But it will deLight not just you,

but us ALL.

Your bright, new wings.

Awakened by the

escalating increase

in the Cosmic Hum,

you emerge from your chrysalis.

Your bright, new wings

yet untried.

But buoyed by the

quickening solar winds,

you will surely soon fly.

Borne aloft,

above all of commotion,

you will see the bigger picture.

For you are not Icarus,

and soaring ever higher

will only be a boon.

And as you rise,

others will follow in your wake.

For the brighter you shine,

the more defined the shadows become,

guiding all those yearning to thrive

to turn towards the light.

Welcome to the September Gathering in Grace, Sunday September 1

You are the architects

of time and space,

constructing a whole new existence.

It is an existence

anchored fully in the heart.

Where fear finds no foothold,

and being of service is a gift,

not a burden.

Drawing on Ancient Wisdom,

you create the future.

It is a sound structure.

Vibrant and organic,

never rigid,

but with a rock solid foundation.

Spacious enough

for limitless expansion.

Yet, it will always

feel like home.

Dear friends!
This Sunday, we enter September. It is the month of the Equinox, one of the potent turning points of the year. Sunday is also the day before the New Moon, so it is the perfect time for a Gathering where we focus on co-creating the future. We invite you to join us for the September Gathering in Grace, Sunday September 1. at 20:00 our time (UTC + 2). Let us come together in spirit for a 30 minute meditation with so many other amazing souls and continue to “construct a whole new existence anchored in the heart”. Thank you for BEing here NOW!

With love, light and gratitude from all of us here at OM Stavika – Land of Grace,
Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia 💞

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 20:00 Norway time (UTC+2) in your time zone here.

The Flower of Life

The Flower of Life.

The flower that is you.

A Seed of Infinite potential.

Nestled in the deep, dark loam.


Until one day, you awaken.

Stirring softly into life.

At first, tentative roots emerge,

searching for connection.

Then, you appear.

A tender shoot.

Vulnerable, yet powerful enough

to break through any surface.

The Light is calling you.

Ever outwards, ever upwards.

Your roots sustaining you,

burrowing deeper and deeper.

Drawing nourishment and support

from Mother Earth herself.

You gather strength,

unfolding day by day.

Revealing more and more

of what was previously hidden.

And now, the time is here.

Are you ready to bloom?

08.08 Lion’s Gate Message

I was guided to repost this message and the painting I created for it in 2018,
when I shared my work as Aisha North.

The Lioness is giving birth.

From the sacred depths

of her Stellar womb,

you spring forth.

Rejoice! Rejoice!

Unto us a New World is born.

Welcome to the August Gathering in Grace, Sunday August 4

You are dancing with the stars,

with the Sun,

and with the Moon.

For as you continue to open up

to your own immenseness,

the light rushes in,

mirroring all of your steps.

For remember,

the power of this incoming light

is simply a reflection of yours.

It is a Grand Design,

on a Cosmic Scale,

set up to enable your dance into freedom.

And as you let yourself loose,

you hold space for all of humanity

to follow suit.

For this is a communal dance,

a dance of connectedness.

A circle that keeps expanding,

as new dancers join in,

one by one.

So feel into the vibrancy of these times.

Tune into the rhythm of the light.

Sometimes, you may stumble,

maybe even fall.

But by and by,

you are getting lighter and lighter

on your feet.

Dear friends!
We are stepping into the energies of August. Everything seems to be gathering momentum, an unstoppable chain of change. Even time is no longer a constant, speeding up and slowing down in a magical Cosmic Dance. Finding the balance in all of this is not easy, but when we reach out and hold each other’s hearts, it helps! And this Sunday, August 4, on the day of the New Moon, we invite you to join us for the dance that is our August Gathering in Grace.

From now on, our Gatherings will be at 20:00 our time (UTC +2). Many other groups are connecting at that same hour, including those of Sandra Walter, Pam Gregory, Jim Self and Steve Rother. For this is truly a “communal dance, a dance of connectedness”, with synchronized meditations all across this planet. So let us add our energy to these global gatherings of souls, let us come together in spirit, and Dance with the stars for a 30 minute meditation. Together, we hold space for so many others so they too can join in this ever expanding global circle of light and love. Thank you for BEing a part of this dance, for stepping out and shining your light for ALL to see!

With love, light and gratitude from all of us here at OM Stavika – Land of Grace,
Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia 💞🙏

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 20:00 Norway time (UTC+2) in your time zone here.

The incoming light

The incoming light

is just like the tide.



Like a Force of Nature it advances.

Knocking on doors.

Pushing on buttons.

With one objective in mind:

helping you to become fully aware

of the Stream of Consciousness that is you.

It is an invitation, a gift.

An opportunity to expand

into the full spectrum of your Being.

It can be challenging,

even painful.

But it is ALL love.

Remember the timelessness of your Soul

Remember the timelessness of your Soul.

Feel into the vastness of your Being.

Infinity is within you.

Yet, your powers lie in the moment of now.

Every single second,

you have the opportunity

to shift everything.

It is your perception that creates your reality.

Your focus that defines your world.

Life expresses itself through you.

What will you choose to give life to today?

Welcome to the July Gathering in Grace, Sunday July 7


Your sacred spaces

need not be physical ones.

Rather, it is a coming together of souls,

creating a structure of light.

One that holds the potential

for limitless manifestation.

For you are Gods.

In and of yourself.

Creator Beings,

come here to co-create.

Individual instruments

all attuned to their own Divine Frequency.


you manifest the most wondrous of tunes.

One that reverberates

all through Cosmos.

Creating change that ripples out

like waves across the ocean.

That is how powerful you really are.

Dear friends!
We have entered the month of July. Outside, a cold wind is blowing. Another abrupt change in the weather in a season that seems to encompass all seasons. Mother Nature is mirroring the current energies well. Stability and predictability is no longer a given. We are being offered countless chances to test our ability to find our footing no matter what circumstances arises. But also to experience the comfort that comes from not insisting on weathering all of this alone. Strength really is in numbers!
That is so palpable whenever we open ourselves up to connect to others, whether in person or in spirit. This Sunday, July 7, at 19:00 our time (UTC + 2), we invite you to join us for our July Gathering in Grace. Let us “come together as souls” for a 30 minute meditation, no matter where you are in the world. That is how we co-create, and that is how we support ourselves and each other in this ongoing flow of change.

Thank you for BEing here now!

With love, light and gratitude from all of us here at OM Stavika – Land of Grace,
Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia  💞🙏

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 19:00 Norway time (UTC+2) in your time zone here.