The full spectrum of your light

You are unveiling

the full spectrum of your light.

It is a quiet affair,

not one of bells and whistles.

This stillness can at often times

be mistaken for a standstill.

But it is not.

It is the most fertile of spaces.

For it is in the stillness

that everything becomes apparent.

Where YOU become clear.

So be in this space.

Allow it to hold you.

Let your Self show itself to you.

Then, you will begin to understand

the full scope of your potential.

Welcome to the February Gathering in Grace, Sunday February 4

The heavy rains have melted the deep snow. And today, in a sheltered spot, I came upon these; the very first sign of spring: Snowdrops (Galanthus) A new world is sprouting!πŸ™

Your powers of perception are awakening.

Your awareness is expanding,

as is the impact of your presence on this planet.

When you step into your greatness,

you shift everything around you.

Almost imperceptibly at first,

but more and more,

you will sense the immenseness

of the change that follows in your footsteps.

For you bring your world forward

with every conscious step you take.

In your wake,

a new world is sprouting.

You bring life to places

that have been slumbering for eons.

You bring light

even to the darkest corners of your world.

With this, everything shifts.

Even the planets on their axis.

For where you go,

All of Creation follows.

And now, more and more gatherings

are being held all over your planet.

One by one, people are coming together,

creating groups, large and small.

Together, they emit enough light

to awaken everything and everyone around them.

Because from small beginnings, huge shifts are born.

So go forth with the knowledge that you are the creators.

What was, will soon cease to be,

as what you breathe life into,

begins to fully blossom into life.

And so it is, and so it will be.



Dear friends!
We are about to complete our journey through January, and enter into the second month of the year. Once again, time seems to speed up, accompanied by a strong sense of expansion. As if the very fabric of reality is morphing and stretching, allowing so much NEW to emerge. Mother Nature is joining in too. Here at Stavika, She will welcome in February with powerful winds and so much energy.

On Sunday, February 4, at 19:00 our time (UTC+1), you are all warmly welcome to join us in spirit for our February Gathering in Grace. As we sit in silent meditation, let us feel into how we “together, emit enough light to awaken everything and everyone around us.” Thank you all for BEing part of this Gathering – “Because from small beginnings, huge shifts are born.”

With love, light and gratitude from all of us here at OM Stavika – Land of Grace;

Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia πŸ’šπŸ™

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 19:00 Norway time (UTC+1) in your time zone here.

The Sands of Time

This message from a few years back re-emerged when I was walking on the beach and saw these imprints in the sand.

Step by step you go

through the sands of time,

across undulating dunes

of vibrant presence.

Every single particle

a microcosmos.

A fraction of the whole.

Created by the friction

of wave after wave of Consciousness

flowing in from the Ocean of Eternity.

Potential collapsing

into reality.

The Zero Point.

Where everything becomes.

Again. And again.

Just like you.

Alchemical metamorphosis continues

Alchemical metamorphosis

continues on a cellular level.

The fluidity of the realms

may cause confusion,

for by now, everything will be in flux.

An inner focus is advisable,

as the outer presentation of chaos

will only intensify.

Much attention will be drawn Β 

to what is being destabilized,

and the process in itself is unsettling.

But what appears as a collapse,

is in actual fact a total restructuring.

And when the dust begins to settle,

you will behold the most wondrous of things.

Until then, seek out that safe haven within.

As always, your inner illumination

is the best way to lighten up the path ahead.

Welcome to the January Gathering in Grace, Sunday January 7

Gloriously attired,

the New Year is here.

Resplendent in Her

gown of crystalline light,

she beckons.

Come forth, She says

your light is equal to mine.

Let it show, let it flow.

It is time to bedazzle this world

with your Soular brilliance.

Dear friends!
2024 is here. We have literally turned a new leaf. Entered a brand new energy. Can you feel it? Like a sweet calling in the air, and invitation to open ourselves up to receive the gifts being offered – and to share our own. Our invitation is to join us this Sunday, January 7, at 19:00 our time (UTC+1) for our very first Gathering in Grace in 2024. It is an opportunity to sit down in silence, wherever you are, and connect deeply. To yourself, to these very New energies, and to everyone else opening their hearts to come together as ONE at this time. Thank you again for BEing part of this ever increasing wave of light flowing over this planet. Let it flow – let us GLOW!

With love, light and gratitude from all of us here at OM Stavika – Land of Grace,
Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia πŸ’›πŸ™

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 19:00 Norway time (UTC+1) in your time zoneΒ here.

The Chalice of Remembrance – New Year message

The Chalice of remembrance

is being offered.

Imbibe from it,

and your sense of equilibrium

will be restored.

The way ahead may deliver

a plethora of surprises.

But none that will affect your core.

At heart, you are and will always be,

an intrepid traveler.

Through time, and through Awareness itself.

For this is why you are here.

Your reason to be.

To boldly go where no man has gone before you.

To step beyond the Event Horizon,

and to free fall into the true freedom of Existence.

To a way of life that mirrors

the greatness you harbour within you.

So help yourself to this Divine Concoction.

Partake of the liquid light flowing so abundantly

onto your shores.

It is time to celebrate not just the New Year,

but also the magnificence that is YOU.

Dear friends!
Thank you so much for being part of our journey! Thank you so much for sharing the magnificence that is YOU. With us, and with this world. Together, we enter the magic that awaits us in 2024. We do so as New, after a year of many changes, on so many levels. It feels as if it was all designed to help us shine even brighter in the year ahead. So let us drink deeply of this “Chalice of Remembrance” that we are being offered. Let us SEE ourselves as the beacons of light we really are. It is time to celebrate – ourselves and life itself. Wishing you all a truly magical 2024, we look forward to having you with us as we journey through it.

With love, light and gratitude from all of us here at OM Stavika – Land of Grace,
Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia πŸ™πŸ’–

Breaking open

We knew the storm was coming. Even our animals could sense it, they were unusually restless many hours before the winds arrived. I was too. It was as if there was something else in the air besides the powerful wind. An invitation. An opportunity to open up, to let go, to trust in the unknown.

When daylight finally arrived, we took a walk around our property to see that all was well. We came upon this ancient aspen, one of the sacred trees on the riverbank. A long time ago, another storm had split it almost in half. But it is still thriving. This time, a huge branch on the other side had come crashing down.

I know this magnificent, ancient giant will survive this too. When spring arrives, the buds on the branches will once again open up and create a wonderful green canopy above our Elf Path. The fallen branches themselves form a new portal. One that will remind us of the powerful transition we have been going through this winter.

We are breaking open. Allowing ourselves to be vulnerable. Exposing our core. The process itself can be relentless and challenging. But what is coming to light when all the defenses come crashing down, is beautiful to behold.

There may be many more storms ahead. We may be battered and bruised. But still, we rise.

12:12 – New Moon Message

Dear friends! Today, at 12:00 on December 12, I was guided to create this video and to (re)share this message with you:

You are the Moon.
Yet old.
Endlessly changing.
Yet constant.
Because of you, entire oceans move.
Tidal waves of light traversing the globe.
Pulled along by your presence.
And as you glow , you show the way.
The night is never too dark.
Because of you.

Never, ever forget the eternal blessing of your presence on this planet! Wishing you all a magical Sacred Season from all of us here at Land of Grace – OM Stavika, Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia πŸ’–

A space for inner exploration

The vibrancy of the incoming light

is creating a space for inner exploration.

At times, it may feel as if

a deep chasm opens up within,

like a free fall into the void.

But remember,

what is being revealed,

is not any supposed failings.

Rather, it is the light showing you the way

to your true splendor.

That sacred light that has been so carefully

kept hidden beneath a deep protective layer.

Like a carapace put into place, little by little,

during your life journey.

But now, let all defenses melt away,

so life itself can flow freely through you.

Welcome to the December Gathering in Grace, Sunday December 3

Welcome to an intimate conversation with the light.

A gentle whisper of wisdom,

emanating from a quiet corner in your heart.

This small voice carries far more weight

than any burden you might carry.

Confusion, chaos and disillusion

melt away in this safe haven.

When all around you is in uproar,

seek out these still, deep waters within.

There, light will infuse you.

There, love will embrace you.

There, life itself will hold you

and lift you up.

Again and again.

Welcome to an intimate conversation with the light.

Welcome home.

Dear friends!
We are moving into December, the final month of 2023. For us, November has left a deep and lasting impression. In the space of just a few days, both of our families bid farewell to a loved one. Sadness mixed with gratitude and love has put everything into a very new perspective. Our hearts have been pushed open, and the light has filled us up, reminding us of the gift of family, friends and community.

This Sunday, at 19:00 our time (UTC +1) we invite you to join us in spirit for our December Gathering in Grace. Let us come together and “have an intimate conversation with the light” to celebrate life in all of its vibrancy. Let us open our hearts and send out love, light and gratitude to every single soul on this beautiful planet. Thank you for adding your bright light to this Gathering, and to this world.

With love light and gratitude from all of us at OM Stavika – Land of Grace,
Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia πŸ™ πŸ’ž

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 19:00 Norway time (UTC+1) in your time zone here.