You are shapeshifting

You are shapeshifting.

Restructuring layers of information.

Selecting new paths to explore.

Severing ties to outmoded modalities.

Finding new forms of expression.

This is where you are at the moment.

Shedding your skins to emerge as New.

It is magnificent,

but it can also be taxing.

So go slow.

Savour the moments of calm.

But most of all,

be very gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the Stars

You are a child of the Stars.

Birthed onto Earth.

Your destiny long foretold.

It is not by accident that you are here.

It is by design.

Even though you may feel insignificant.

Like a mere speck of dust

in an ocean of sand.

You are in fact having a deep impact

on everything and everyone around you.

No matter where you roam.

For your light touches everything.

Whether you are aware of it or not.

And as such,

you can move mountains and shift oceans.

You help push this entire planet into a very new orbit.

Simply by your presence.

So be aware of YOU.

Acknowledge your own light.

As well as the light in everyone else.

For in this, you are ALL equal.

Solstice Celebration

The Cosmic dance of light continues.

The light outside may vary,

but within, it is always constant.

Never dimmed,

even if you yourself might

lose sight of it.

That is because

your mind tends to take over.

Clouding your days

with an incessant insistence

on having its say.

So find the stillness.

Quell that voice.

Let it go,

and let your stillness hold you.

There, the light is always present.

There, your day is always bright.

Dear friends! Sending Solstice Blessings to you all ย ๐Ÿ’– Here at Land of Grace, the days are short, wet and windy. But inside, we keep the fire burning and continue to share our light as best we can ๐Ÿ’– Thank you for adding your vibrant light to this world – every day, in every way ๐Ÿ™

12.12 Message

The 1 and the 2.

Again. And again.

A pattern of numbers.

Signaling that an activation is taking place.

For dormant seeds and silent connections,

put into place around the 12.12.12.

Twelve years have passed.

Now is the time for everything to come into fruition.

Now is the time for everyone to come alive.

Feel into the World Wide Web of Souls

that you are connected to.

Some of them, you already know.

By name, or by the signature of their light.

Others, you have no clear recollection of.

But now it will begin to dawn upon you.

Nothing is by chance,

everything happens by design.

You have been called,

and you have answered that call.

Your mere presence here speaks of this.

Loud and clear.

So tune into this connection.

You share a common ground.

A purpose, clearly defined.

Not as persons, but as Souls.

The time is NOW.

The slumber is over.

Morning has broken.

Awaken to your purpose,

say hello to your clan.

It is time to get going.

It is time to set into motion

what you came here to do.

Dear friends – dear Clan ๐Ÿ’ž If you want to say Hello, I invite you to leave a comment below this post. I look forward to hearing from you – I look forward to SEE you! ๐Ÿ’– (Click on the “You must be logged in” sentence under “Leave a reply” to log in or register. If you cannot find it, click on the title line of this post. Then you will be able to access the entire post including “Leave a reply” below this message. Thank you!)

Your softness is your strength

There is a softness within you.

Yield into that.

That softness is your greatest asset.

For that is where you can access

the true depths of your resources.

Strength does not lie in rigidity.

That is simply a contraction.

A diminishing of your powers,

arising from fear.

Fear of falling.

But also fear of flying.

True expansion can only come

from openness.

A boundless curiosity,

a willingness to explore.

For the thicker the armour,

the heavier the burden.

Making you far more

susceptible to toppling over

under the weight of your

self imposed limitations.

So be gentle with yourself.

Allow your softness to support you.

It will hold you

in the most nurturing of embraces,

keeping you safe through any storm.

Never stop exploring

Never stop exploring

new ways to express your light.

Life itself wants to sing

through you.

The range is limitless,

so do not hold yourself back

from venturing into the

higher octaves.

A multitude of them

are accessible to you now,

should you so choose.

Birthing within you

is a whole new set

of harmonics.

Set into motion

by your willingness

to go beyond your old perceptions.

Of your Self,

and of the world around you.

November Full Moon Message

Resplendent in the night sky,

the Full Moon is here to remind you

that you can never lose your light.

It is forever anchored within you.

The flickering flame of your Soul

will never go out.

But at times like these,

it may appear somewhat dimmer than usual.

Just like the moon, hidden behind the clouds.

But that is merely an illusion,

 a trick of the eye,

created by the large amount of dust

being kicked up around you.

It is a well orchestrated attempt

to divert your focus.

But your Light Signature

can never be compromised.

It is embedded within your genes.

So again we say,

enquire within.

There, you will be assured

by the brightness that is

and will forever be yours.

You are the child of your imagination

There is an infinite number

of versions of you.

Each one existing for only a fraction of time.

You are the child of your imagination.

Your own perception coming to life.

Birthed by your current state of being.

For you are your own creator.

The one defining the how and the why.

A constant dance of atoms,

collapsing into being.

Ever changing,

always open for re-interpretation.

For you are not a fixed object.

Nothing is constant.

Everything is re-programmable.

Conscious or unconscious.

That is your choice to make.

Heavenly Bodies

The Heavenly Bodies affect you.

Because you are one of them.

A Celestial Being,

composed of the same matter

as the stars.

The bond between you

and everything that exists

is perpetual.

The sense of separation illusory.

So dive deep into this

web of connectedness.

Lean into the support

that is always there.

For you.

And for ALL.

As an individual,

you partake in a collective journey.

A lone traveller,

but also a member

of the Galactic Tribe.

The Earth Walkers,

here to bring change.

A change that ripples out

far from these shores.

And as such,

you are indeed Universally Beloved.

The might of the light

Never underestimate

the power of love

nor the might of the light.

Surrendering to either

is never a defeat.

Rather, it is the

best way to empower yourself.

So allow the chalice of your heart

to receive what is being offered.

The gifts are more than abundant,

almost overwhelmingly so.

But do not let that deter you

from welcoming them.

They are here to assist you,

uplift you on all levels.

As a result, your physical energy

may seem low.

But remember,

that is simply a testament

to the effectiveness

of these enlightening emissaries.

So allow your body some rest ,ย ย 

as it will help your spirit to rise.