The Great Stillness

Feel into the presence of Presence.

In this Great Stillness,

you may feel lost.

As if being adrift at sea,

with no sense of direction,

no port in sight.

But fret not,

for you are neither lost

nor off course.

It is simply time for you

to just BE.


there is a time to sow,

and a time to reap.

But there is also

that equally important time in-between.

This is where you are at the moment.

Like a child in the womb,

seemingly in-active,

yet at the same time developing fast.

So let go of the illusion of

being inadequate and unproductive.

You do what you are here to do best,

when you allow yourself

to sit within this stillness.

It is the most fertile of Spaces,

offered up as a gift

to help you grow

to your fullest potential.

Welcome to the August Gathering in Grace, Sunday August 6

Shimmering like a many-petaled flower,

you cast your combined light far and wide.

Composed of separate souls,

you function as the cells of the human body.

Each one assigned a unique purpose,

designed to bring light and movement to life.

As a unit, you constitute an immense body of light.

Acting separately, yet having a profound effect as a whole.

A massive amount of accumulated knowledge

passes through you and out into the collective.

Because of you, change is manifesting at an ever-increasing speed.

Because of you, life on this planet is evolving in a brand new way.

You bring light into the darkest of places.

You bring hope, where none has yet to be seen.

You are, and will always be, a gift to ALL.

Dear friends!
The calendar has turned another leaf, August is here. Once again, we sense the quickening of the energies. Out in nature, life keeps expanding. And within, we do the same. So much constant change can be a challenge, but it helps to know we are all in good company. As always, tuning into the comfort of having so many wonderful traveling companions, helps us understand that even more magic awaits us all.

This Sunday, August 6, at 19:00 our time (UTC +2), we invite you to join us in spirit for our August Gathering in Grace. No matter where you are in the world, let us come together for a 30 minute meditation and BE that “many-petaled flower, casting our combined light far and wide”. Together, we brighten up the road ahead for ALL of our fellow travelers.

 With love, light and gratitude from Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia here at OM Stavika, Land of Grace  💞

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 19:00 Norway time (UTC+2) in your time zone here.

The shift of Ages

The shift of Ages has begun.

Tune into the choir

of the Elementals,

for that is where

the voice of reason can be found.

The forces of nature

continue to sift through the sands of time.

Ancestral Leylines will be released,

allowing you to reclaim your future Selves.

A tidal wave of change

Like starseeds

scattered on fertile ground,

you come alive, one by one.

All across this planet,

you form clusters,

mirroring the constellations

in the firmament.

Continuously interacting,

whether you are aware of it or not.

Vast filaments of light,

transmitters of information,

run between you.

Together, you receive and distribute

an immense amount of energy.

It is a current of transformation,

a tidal wave of change,

and nothing can withstand it.

For just like a steady trickle of water

can open up even the most resistant of rocks,

it reveals the light hidden within all.

The vibrancy of your soul

The vibrancy of your soul

is becoming more apparent,

as the glory that is you

continues to unfold.

Petal by petal,

the true construct of your

beingness reveals itself.

Fractals of information come alive,

as you dive ever deeper into your core.

Step by step,

heartbeat by heartbeat

you see your path light up.

Feeling into the sacredness

of every single moment,

you know

you already know everything.

It is simply a matter

of allowing it

to flower at its own accord.

Welcome to the July Gathering in Grace, Sunday July 2

Constantly connecting.

Constantly evolving.

Nature never stops, nor do you.

A continuous flow of energetic manifestation.

Light becoming form.

Life begetting life.

Infinite potential,

finding ever new ways

to express itself.

Through you,

and through everything

and everyone around you.

No expression more valid than others,

nor any less.

It is all part of the vibrant spectrum that is LIFE.

Still, you all get to choose your own way of expressing light.

And life.

For nothing is written in stone.

Nothing pre-defined.

It is all up to you which way and in what form

you want your light to flow.

And also the brightness of it.

For even though you all come in

with the same potential to glow,

only you can define the wattage you choose

to send out into the world.

No one else.

External circumstances can try to dim your light,

but it cannot be made to fade away.

Only if you choose so yourself.

So be vibrant – be bright.

Remember, the smallest of flames

can lighten even the darkest of rooms.

And together, you outshine

even the brightest stars on the firmament.

Dear friends!
This weekend , we enter the month of July. Time seems to fly by, as the energies keep expanding and intensifying. Here at Stavika, we have been blessed with some beautiful summer days. The Sun is below the horizon for only a few, short hours, so Light is an almost constant presence. Everything around us seems to have exploded into life, daily reminders of the vibrancy and vitality of Mother Nature. It makes us feel so alive, and so much a part of everything.

This Sunday, at 19:00 our time (UTC +2), we are so looking forward to celebrating life and light with our July Gathering in Grace. No matter where you are in the world, we invite you to join us in spirit for a 30 minute meditation. Let us send our vibrant, beautiful light out into the world, and “outshine even the brightest stars on the firmament.”

With love, light and gratitude from Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia here at OM Stavika, Land of
Grace  💖

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 19:00 Norway time (UTC+2) in your time zone here.


Welcome to Terra Nova.

New Earth.

Where everything feels New,

yet very familiar.

Because you already know this place.

It is home.

There is no need to go anywhere to find it.

No need to move.

Not even a fraction of an inch.

Because the whole journey takes place internally.

The tiniest of shifts,

and suddenly, you just know.

You have arrived.

You are home.

See your own magnificence

Acknowledge the significance

in the seemingly insignificant.

For you can see God in the tiniest of flowers,

in the fluttering of a bird’s wings.

You can see God in the flowing water,

and in the eyes of a stranger on the street.

You too are part of this magnificence.

Even though you might feel small, almost invisible,

like a grain of sand on an immense beach.

For your mere presence is enough

to shift the trajectory of this entire planet.

For your mere presence is enough.

So simply BE what you are.

For you are indeed magnificent.

Welcome to the June Gathering in Grace, Sunday June 4

See your shimmering soul light,

reflected in the eyes and hearts of others.

Just as theirs is in yours.

Such is the nature of this light.

It can best be seen in the presence of others.

As you come together,

the light becomes more apparent.

To you. To ALL.

For such is the paradox of mankind.

You cannot always see your own light clearly.

Yet, you cannot fail to see it

through the eyes and hearts of your fellow men.

For you are One Soul.

Divided into a myriad of fragments.

Each carrying its own unique signature.

Each humming to its own tune.

Together, you can see your Self.

Together, you light up each other.

Together, you brighten the world.

And you do so,

literally at the speed of light.

Like a wildfire,

your hearts ignite the hearts

of countless others.

They, in turn, do the same.

And so it goes.

All across this planet.

And all across the firmament.

For your light cannot be contained.

It goes beyond all borders of space and time.

So see your own light.

It is immense.

And recognize the light in all others.

For it is always there.

No matter the outer appearances.

Sometimes all it needs,

is the presence

of another bright light

to spring fully into life.

Dear friends!

June is here. The month of the Solstice, and this weekend, we also have the Full Moon. In our part of the world, the Full Moon will fall on Sunday June 4, the same day as our June Gathering in Grace. A perfect day to come together in spirit under the glow of the moon!

We invite you to join us wherever you are for a 30 minute meditation at 19:00 our time (UTC +2) Let us see the light in each other and in ourselves, and allow our hearts to ignite the hearts of countless others.

With love, light and gratitude from Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia here at OM Stavika, Land of
Grace  💞

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 19:00 Norway time (UTC+2) in your time zone here.

Let go of your stories

Let go of your stories.

Shed the burden

of all ingrained convictions.

Dissolve the imprints of what was.

It is no longer applicable.

Nothing new can come

from clinging to the old ideas of existence.

A fresh start is available.

Every day. Every minute.

Freedom is calling.

Are you free to fly?