Heavenly Bodies

The Heavenly Bodies affect you.

Because you are one of them.

A Celestial Being,

composed of the same matter

as the stars.

The bond between you

and everything that exists

is perpetual.

The sense of separation illusory.

So dive deep into this

web of connectedness.

Lean into the support

that is always there.

For you.

And for ALL.

As an individual,

you partake in a collective journey.

A lone traveller,

but also a member

of the Galactic Tribe.

The Earth Walkers,

here to bring change.

A change that ripples out

far from these shores.

And as such,

you are indeed Universally Beloved.

You are an eternal being

You are an eternal being

temporarily housed

within a physical vehicle.

An immortal soul

in a finite manifestation,

but with an infinite potential.

One of a myriad of souls,

here to leave an indelible mark

on ALL of Creation.

For you are one of the change makers.

The Dream Catchers.

The ones that will make so much

come into fruition.

Not just as words or wishful thinking,

but as actual manifestations.

A new Crystalline structure is growing forth.

One that will underpin all that is to come.

A solid foundation for the brightest of futures.

So know that even if at times

you may feel as if you are nothing more

than the tiniest speck of light,

you are in truth a mighty force.

Your own brilliance

may be hard to perceive,

but it is more than obvious

from a Cosmic point of view.

So shine on dear one,

and know that you literally light up

an entire world with your very presence.