12.12 Message

The 1 and the 2.

Again. And again.

A pattern of numbers.

Signaling that an activation is taking place.

For dormant seeds and silent connections,

put into place around the 12.12.12.

Twelve years have passed.

Now is the time for everything to come into fruition.

Now is the time for everyone to come alive.

Feel into the World Wide Web of Souls

that you are connected to.

Some of them, you already know.

By name, or by the signature of their light.

Others, you have no clear recollection of.

But now it will begin to dawn upon you.

Nothing is by chance,

everything happens by design.

You have been called,

and you have answered that call.

Your mere presence here speaks of this.

Loud and clear.

So tune into this connection.

You share a common ground.

A purpose, clearly defined.

Not as persons, but as Souls.

The time is NOW.

The slumber is over.

Morning has broken.

Awaken to your purpose,

say hello to your clan.

It is time to get going.

It is time to set into motion

what you came here to do.

Dear friends – dear Clan 💞 If you want to say Hello, I invite you to leave a comment below this post. I look forward to hearing from you – I look forward to SEE you! 💖 (Click on the “You must be logged in” sentence under “Leave a reply” to log in or register. If you cannot find it, click on the title line of this post. Then you will be able to access the entire post including “Leave a reply” below this message. Thank you!)

Welcome to the September Gathering in Grace, Sunday September 1

You are the architects

of time and space,

constructing a whole new existence.

It is an existence

anchored fully in the heart.

Where fear finds no foothold,

and being of service is a gift,

not a burden.

Drawing on Ancient Wisdom,

you create the future.

It is a sound structure.

Vibrant and organic,

never rigid,

but with a rock solid foundation.

Spacious enough

for limitless expansion.

Yet, it will always

feel like home.

Dear friends!
This Sunday, we enter September. It is the month of the Equinox, one of the potent turning points of the year. Sunday is also the day before the New Moon, so it is the perfect time for a Gathering where we focus on co-creating the future. We invite you to join us for the September Gathering in Grace, Sunday September 1. at 20:00 our time (UTC + 2). Let us come together in spirit for a 30 minute meditation with so many other amazing souls and continue to “construct a whole new existence anchored in the heart”. Thank you for BEing here NOW!

With love, light and gratitude from all of us here at OM Stavika – Land of Grace,
Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia 💞

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 20:00 Norway time (UTC+2) in your time zone here.

Welcome to the December Gathering in Grace, Sunday December 3

Welcome to an intimate conversation with the light.

A gentle whisper of wisdom,

emanating from a quiet corner in your heart.

This small voice carries far more weight

than any burden you might carry.

Confusion, chaos and disillusion

melt away in this safe haven.

When all around you is in uproar,

seek out these still, deep waters within.

There, light will infuse you.

There, love will embrace you.

There, life itself will hold you

and lift you up.

Again and again.

Welcome to an intimate conversation with the light.

Welcome home.

Dear friends!
We are moving into December, the final month of 2023. For us, November has left a deep and lasting impression. In the space of just a few days, both of our families bid farewell to a loved one. Sadness mixed with gratitude and love has put everything into a very new perspective. Our hearts have been pushed open, and the light has filled us up, reminding us of the gift of family, friends and community.

This Sunday, at 19:00 our time (UTC +1) we invite you to join us in spirit for our December Gathering in Grace. Let us come together and “have an intimate conversation with the light” to celebrate life in all of its vibrancy. Let us open our hearts and send out love, light and gratitude to every single soul on this beautiful planet. Thank you for adding your bright light to this Gathering, and to this world.

With love light and gratitude from all of us at OM Stavika – Land of Grace,
Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia 🙏 💞

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 19:00 Norway time (UTC+1) in your time zone here.


Slowly you emerge,

untangling yourself

from the debris of history.

Fret not if your field of vision still seems limited.

The future may speak softly,

but soon, it will sing loudly within you.

This passage is not one that will go unnoticed.

Not by you, nor by anyone.

The depth of change is by far

the most profound you have ever experienced.

As a collective, as well as individuals.

So take a deep breath,

and give yourself the space you need

to anchor these changes as they come.

At times, one by one.

But more often than not,

as vibrant and vigorous clusters.

Remember, you have given yourselves

this gift of Arrival.

So cherish it,

even though it might be more

than a little daunting.

For you are indeed

made from the same stuff as the stars.

And now, you are finally

beginning to outshine them all.

Where New Life arises

In the churning waters of chaos

is where New Life arises.

Far beyond the limits of your imagination.

Confusion may be ripe,

but know that everything

is moving in the right direction.

Not seeing is not the same as not knowing.

Remember, at the depths of your being,

all is well.


So too in this.

So rest in that space of not seeing the next step.

For you are on your way back to your own fullness.

But it will happen only when the time is right.

In the meantime,

find your way into that stillness

that is at the heart of the chaos.

That is where deep knowing is.

That is where peace resides.

That is where you will find yourself again.

The Pilgrim’s Way – Equinox Message 

This sacred site is only a short walk from where we will gather on the day of the Equinox.

Like a pilgrim,

you wander the pathways within.

Each thought,

every challenge,

has left its mark

on the landscape of your Soul

But the compass of your heart

will show you the way.

Guiding you beyond

all the well-worn tracks of yesteryear.

Step by step, you leave it all behind.

Everything that no longer serves you.

Everything that is no longer YOU.

One by one, old illusions fade away,

and with them, the path ahead lightens up.

Everything becomes clearer.

Now you see.

Now you know.

You have finally come home.

Home to your self.

Dear friends! This Saturday, September 23 , on the day of the Equinox, we have been called to travel to the mountains to do a drum meditation with a wonderful group at Oppdal. Oppdal is a village about three hours from here, an amazing place with a history dating back to the Iron Age. It is located at a crossroads in the mountains, connecting north and south, the fjords in the west and the inland in the east. During the Middle Ages, it was a stop for pilgrims on their way to the St. Olav shrine at the Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim

The energy there is truly unique, and even today, it draws in people – and pilgrims – from all over the world. We have been invited to join up with two shining soul sisters, Lena and Synne in Whiteheart.no to create a special event to celebrate Equinox in the heart of Mother Nature.  

The meditation will begin at 17:00 our time (UTC +2) If you are nearby, you are very welcome to join us! You can read more about it here.

You can also join us in spirit wherever you are in the world. We will include you in our group as we gather around the bonfire to let the drums, the silence and Mother Nature speak to us all. Thank you so much for BEing a part of this pilgrimage of the Soul! Even if we each must walk our own personal path, there is so much strength in knowing that our spirits have come together for this part of our journey.

With Equinox Greetings from all of us here at OM Stavika – Land of Grace,
Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia. 🙏💞

PS: if you want to support our work, you can do so here. Thank you!


Welcome to Terra Nova.

New Earth.

Where everything feels New,

yet very familiar.

Because you already know this place.

It is home.

There is no need to go anywhere to find it.

No need to move.

Not even a fraction of an inch.

Because the whole journey takes place internally.

The tiniest of shifts,

and suddenly, you just know.

You have arrived.

You are home.

Sink into Stillness

Sink into Stillness.

Into that inner Sanctum of light.

Let the ebb and flow of

your breath guide you there.

Then, you will find yourself embraced

in a Sanctuary that will

hold you in the safest of spaces.

No storm may touch you there.

No uproar will ever reach you.

As long as you allow yourself to be held

by the sacredness of your own light.

(Horse medicine from Magne)

There is a monumental shift taking place

There is a monumental shift

taking place within humanity.

To an untrained eye,

it will be nearly imperceptible.

But if you listen well,

you hear the click, click, click

of thousands upon thousands

unlocking the doors to true freedom.

Vast chambers of wisdom

are opening up because of this.

Wisdom that will percolate up and out,

set free by the knowledge

that you are indeed finally free.

For what was, no longer exists,

as the burden of powerlessness

melts away as soon as you allow it to.

For the greatest of transformations

in actual fact requires the least of efforts.

It is simply a matter of no longer holding on,

but of letting go.

Leaving behind the yokes of yesteryear,

you find your wings and fly again,

lifting this world even further up

into the light.



In the stillness at the center of the storm

Instantly recognizable,

the sense of homecoming continues to expand.

Creation arises from confusion,

as it is in the chaos all things are born.

Only by losing your sense of direction

can you move freely forward.