The 1 and the 2.
Again. And again.
A pattern of numbers.
Signaling that an activation is taking place.
For dormant seeds and silent connections,
put into place around the 12.12.12.
Twelve years have passed.
Now is the time for everything to come into fruition.
Now is the time for everyone to come alive.
Feel into the World Wide Web of Souls
that you are connected to.
Some of them, you already know.
By name, or by the signature of their light.
Others, you have no clear recollection of.
But now it will begin to dawn upon you.
Nothing is by chance,
everything happens by design.
You have been called,
and you have answered that call.
Your mere presence here speaks of this.
Loud and clear.
So tune into this connection.
You share a common ground.
A purpose, clearly defined.
Not as persons, but as Souls.
The time is NOW.
The slumber is over.
Morning has broken.
Awaken to your purpose,
say hello to your clan.
It is time to get going.
It is time to set into motion
what you came here to do.
Dear friends – dear Clan 💞 If you want to say Hello, I invite you to leave a comment below this post. I look forward to hearing from you – I look forward to SEE you! 💖 (Click on the “You must be logged in” sentence under “Leave a reply” to log in or register. If you cannot find it, click on the title line of this post. Then you will be able to access the entire post including “Leave a reply” below this message. Thank you!)