Welcome to the October Gathering in Grace, Sunday October  6

The Cosmic reverberations continue,

calling all souls to connect.

With themselves, and with each other.

The living light pours in.

Widening cracks, opening doors.

The growing pains may be startling.

But remember,

they are messengers

of expansion.

As One,

you proceed on the path

of transformation.

The Tribe of Oneness is sure to thrive,

no matter the current circumstances.

As individual strengths combine,

they form a formidable forcefield.

Fellowship equals fortitude,

and a gathering of souls

will always find the courage to carry on.

Dear friends!
October has arrived. Here at Land of Grace, so too has autumn. The temperature has dropped considerably, the fall colours are starting to blaze, and the first snow has fallen on the mountains. There is a strong calling to “draw inwards”, light a fire and just BE. With “ourselves, and with each other”. For as the world continues to change, and so much of the old is crumbling, a deepening sense of connection emerges. Now, more than ever, it is so important to kindle the flame of connectedness.

This Sunday, October 6, at 20:00 our time (UTC+2), we invite you to join us for the October Gathering in Grace. Let us come together in spirit for a  30 minute meditation and co-create a “formidable forcefield” that will offer support to all those seeking a firmer ground to stand on in these deeply transformative times. Thank you for BEing here NOW – your light is a gift beyond words.

With love, light and gratitude from all of us here at Land of Grace – OM Stavika,
Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia 💞🍁🙏

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 20:00 Norway time (UTC+2) in your time zone here.

Welcome to the August Gathering in Grace, Sunday August 4

You are dancing with the stars,

with the Sun,

and with the Moon.

For as you continue to open up

to your own immenseness,

the light rushes in,

mirroring all of your steps.

For remember,

the power of this incoming light

is simply a reflection of yours.

It is a Grand Design,

on a Cosmic Scale,

set up to enable your dance into freedom.

And as you let yourself loose,

you hold space for all of humanity

to follow suit.

For this is a communal dance,

a dance of connectedness.

A circle that keeps expanding,

as new dancers join in,

one by one.

So feel into the vibrancy of these times.

Tune into the rhythm of the light.

Sometimes, you may stumble,

maybe even fall.

But by and by,

you are getting lighter and lighter

on your feet.

Dear friends!
We are stepping into the energies of August. Everything seems to be gathering momentum, an unstoppable chain of change. Even time is no longer a constant, speeding up and slowing down in a magical Cosmic Dance. Finding the balance in all of this is not easy, but when we reach out and hold each other’s hearts, it helps! And this Sunday, August 4, on the day of the New Moon, we invite you to join us for the dance that is our August Gathering in Grace.

From now on, our Gatherings will be at 20:00 our time (UTC +2). Many other groups are connecting at that same hour, including those of Sandra Walter, Pam Gregory, Jim Self and Steve Rother. For this is truly a “communal dance, a dance of connectedness”, with synchronized meditations all across this planet. So let us add our energy to these global gatherings of souls, let us come together in spirit, and Dance with the stars for a 30 minute meditation. Together, we hold space for so many others so they too can join in this ever expanding global circle of light and love. Thank you for BEing a part of this dance, for stepping out and shining your light for ALL to see!

With love, light and gratitude from all of us here at OM Stavika – Land of Grace,
Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia 💞🙏

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 20:00 Norway time (UTC+2) in your time zone here.

Welcome to the July Gathering in Grace, Sunday July 7


Your sacred spaces

need not be physical ones.

Rather, it is a coming together of souls,

creating a structure of light.

One that holds the potential

for limitless manifestation.

For you are Gods.

In and of yourself.

Creator Beings,

come here to co-create.

Individual instruments

all attuned to their own Divine Frequency.


you manifest the most wondrous of tunes.

One that reverberates

all through Cosmos.

Creating change that ripples out

like waves across the ocean.

That is how powerful you really are.

Dear friends!
We have entered the month of July. Outside, a cold wind is blowing. Another abrupt change in the weather in a season that seems to encompass all seasons. Mother Nature is mirroring the current energies well. Stability and predictability is no longer a given. We are being offered countless chances to test our ability to find our footing no matter what circumstances arises. But also to experience the comfort that comes from not insisting on weathering all of this alone. Strength really is in numbers!
That is so palpable whenever we open ourselves up to connect to others, whether in person or in spirit. This Sunday, July 7, at 19:00 our time (UTC + 2), we invite you to join us for our July Gathering in Grace. Let us “come together as souls” for a 30 minute meditation, no matter where you are in the world. That is how we co-create, and that is how we support ourselves and each other in this ongoing flow of change.

Thank you for BEing here now!

With love, light and gratitude from all of us here at OM Stavika – Land of Grace,
Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia  💞🙏

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 19:00 Norway time (UTC+2) in your time zone here.

Eclipse Message

Even though your Sun

will be overshadowed by the moon,

do not look upon this

as the hour of darkness.

It is the hour of clarity.

Your age of enlightenment has come.

The time for becoming is upon you.

The time to fully embrace your light is here.

Behold the magic that surrounds you.

Open your eyes,

and see all the glowing hearts

on this planet,

beating as ONE.

For you are more connected

than ever before.

Simply disregard the symbols of separation

that are being paraded before you.

They are mere illusions,

conjured up to shield you from the truth

of who you really are.

You are Magnificence,

manifested into human bodies.

A Celestial Celebration of Creation,

a cornucopia of uniqueness.

So see beyond the shadows,

and let your gaze rest within.

On your own greatness,

and the one that resides within

every single one of your brothers and sisters.


PS: you are warmly welcome to join us in spirit or in person for our Eclipse Meditation tonight, Monday April 8, at Stavika Grendahus at 18:00 our time (UTC + 2) :  https://www.facebook.com/events/406353368865080

You sing the same song as Mother Earth

You sing the same song as Mother Earth.

You dance to the same music as the stars.

Listen to the whisper from your bones,

and you will find this connectedness.

For deep down, you know.

You are not separate.

You are ONE with All that Is.

So feel into this knowingness.

Be with this realization

that you are an infinite being.

Not limited by anything.

Except by your own willingness to let go

of the illusion of limitation.

Welcome to the December Gathering in Grace, Sunday December 3

Welcome to an intimate conversation with the light.

A gentle whisper of wisdom,

emanating from a quiet corner in your heart.

This small voice carries far more weight

than any burden you might carry.

Confusion, chaos and disillusion

melt away in this safe haven.

When all around you is in uproar,

seek out these still, deep waters within.

There, light will infuse you.

There, love will embrace you.

There, life itself will hold you

and lift you up.

Again and again.

Welcome to an intimate conversation with the light.

Welcome home.

Dear friends!
We are moving into December, the final month of 2023. For us, November has left a deep and lasting impression. In the space of just a few days, both of our families bid farewell to a loved one. Sadness mixed with gratitude and love has put everything into a very new perspective. Our hearts have been pushed open, and the light has filled us up, reminding us of the gift of family, friends and community.

This Sunday, at 19:00 our time (UTC +1) we invite you to join us in spirit for our December Gathering in Grace. Let us come together and “have an intimate conversation with the light” to celebrate life in all of its vibrancy. Let us open our hearts and send out love, light and gratitude to every single soul on this beautiful planet. Thank you for adding your bright light to this Gathering, and to this world.

With love light and gratitude from all of us at OM Stavika – Land of Grace,
Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia 🙏 💞

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 19:00 Norway time (UTC+1) in your time zone here.