Equinox Message

Karmic contracts are being cleared.

Equanimity is restored.

A free passage is assured

by the Solar Pulsations.

Fine tune your perception.

Look beyond old impressions.

The New has arrived.

Do not let the old obscure that fact.

Balance is not to be sought.

Rather, a forward momentum is encouraged

by the quickening flow.

Much will take form now.

Even more will fade away.

Do not look back on what is crumbling.

Focus your gaze on what is yet to come.

Even though it is far from clearly defined,

you will know it in your heart of hearts.

It is beyond words.

Beyond description.

But already, fully within reach.

Dear friends! Sending (early) Equinox Blessings to you all, may you have a truly magical week 🙏💞☀️

The Purity of your Essence – Equinox message

Behold the purity of your Essence.

Embrace the magnificence that is You.

At times, it may seem hidden from view,

yet, to your awakened heart,

it is always fully apparent.

For Life is flowing through you.

Light is coursing through your veins

You sing the song of freedom,

and dance the dance of Grace,

composing a sacred symphony of vibrations

wherever you go.

You bring life

to everything you encounter.

You set this world alight

with every step you take.

So behold the purity of your Essence.

It is the most precious of elixirs.

The grandest of gifts.

And as you give,

you also receive.

This is what constitutes

the Cycle of Life.

Dear friends! This morning, Bente recorded a video with today’s message, you can see it here: 
Sending you our heartfelt Equinox Blessings from OM Stavika – Land of Grace;
Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia 💞

The Pilgrim’s Way – Equinox Message 

This sacred site is only a short walk from where we will gather on the day of the Equinox.

Like a pilgrim,

you wander the pathways within.

Each thought,

every challenge,

has left its mark

on the landscape of your Soul

But the compass of your heart

will show you the way.

Guiding you beyond

all the well-worn tracks of yesteryear.

Step by step, you leave it all behind.

Everything that no longer serves you.

Everything that is no longer YOU.

One by one, old illusions fade away,

and with them, the path ahead lightens up.

Everything becomes clearer.

Now you see.

Now you know.

You have finally come home.

Home to your self.

Dear friends! This Saturday, September 23 , on the day of the Equinox, we have been called to travel to the mountains to do a drum meditation with a wonderful group at Oppdal. Oppdal is a village about three hours from here, an amazing place with a history dating back to the Iron Age. It is located at a crossroads in the mountains, connecting north and south, the fjords in the west and the inland in the east. During the Middle Ages, it was a stop for pilgrims on their way to the St. Olav shrine at the Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim

The energy there is truly unique, and even today, it draws in people – and pilgrims – from all over the world. We have been invited to join up with two shining soul sisters, Lena and Synne in Whiteheart.no to create a special event to celebrate Equinox in the heart of Mother Nature.  

The meditation will begin at 17:00 our time (UTC +2) If you are nearby, you are very welcome to join us! You can read more about it here.

You can also join us in spirit wherever you are in the world. We will include you in our group as we gather around the bonfire to let the drums, the silence and Mother Nature speak to us all. Thank you so much for BEing a part of this pilgrimage of the Soul! Even if we each must walk our own personal path, there is so much strength in knowing that our spirits have come together for this part of our journey.

With Equinox Greetings from all of us here at OM Stavika – Land of Grace,
Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia. 🙏💞

PS: if you want to support our work, you can do so here. Thank you!

Equinox Message

Enter into the stillness.

The pause between

the Cosmic exhale

and the inhale.

In this stillness,

a fertile field

has been prepared.

Ready to be filled with the crop

for the upcoming season.

Be mindful of what you plant

in this receptive loam.

For it will take root

and grow quickly.

Chances are good

for a bountiful harvest,

if you focus your attention

on cultivating the seeds

of love and compassion.

Then, your inner garden

will nurture you well

and you will prosper

even in these tumultuous  times.

Equinox Message

Feel into the paradox of the Equinox.

For this period of seeming balance

belies the true progression of change.

For nature cannot stand still.

Nor can Creation.

It is a never ending cycle of beginnings and ends.

Commencement and closure.

And now, it will all gain momentum

beyond anything experienced

on this planet before.

For the Old has expired.

The final breath has been taken.

Yet, the illusion of permanence lingers on.

But remember, nothing lasts forever.

It simply dissolves into fractals of future potential.

So look upon this period of so many endings

as the most fertile of nourishment

for the brightening flames of renewal.

Sudden shifts of trajectories

will be born from this pregnant pause.

It behooves you well

to expect the unexpected.

Because you can rest assured

that the outcome will more

than surpass your expectations.