Take this to your heart

Internal structures are strengthening

even when the physical form at times

may seem at the brink of collapse.

Mental overdrive is rampant,

as external signals continue to multiply.

Confusion is common,

as is bodily exhaustion.

All this is not a signal of disrepair.

Rather, it is a clear sign

of systemic self-correction.

Remember, you came here not just to be the change.

You came to actually embody it.

Thus, the individual experience will vary.

For some, it is overly taxing.

For others, less so.

But you are all fully prepared for this mission.

And as such, you are already succeeding

in what is still beyond your human faculties

to comprehend.

Remember, at your core, you are unbeatable.

Built to last.

For eternity.

So take this to your heart:

you are an Eternal Being.

A Stellar example of a Shining Soul.

Currently partaking in a massive overhaul

of the cosmic corner that is Earth.

It is not for the faint of heart.

But such is not yours.

Yours is an intrepid trailblazer.

So take every opportunity

to listen to that inner voice.

That is the voice of reason.

That is the voice of truth.

Then, you will know that all is well.

And so too are you.

You are an eternal being

You are an eternal being

temporarily housed

within a physical vehicle.

An immortal soul

in a finite manifestation,

but with an infinite potential.

One of a myriad of souls,

here to leave an indelible mark

on ALL of Creation.

For you are one of the change makers.

The Dream Catchers.

The ones that will make so much

come into fruition.

Not just as words or wishful thinking,

but as actual manifestations.

A new Crystalline structure is growing forth.

One that will underpin all that is to come.

A solid foundation for the brightest of futures.

So know that even if at times

you may feel as if you are nothing more

than the tiniest speck of light,

you are in truth a mighty force.

Your own brilliance

may be hard to perceive,

but it is more than obvious

from a Cosmic point of view.

So shine on dear one,

and know that you literally light up

an entire world with your very presence.