An invitation to the Infinite

An invitation to the Infinite is being offered.

To savour the Silence of Serenity,

freedom and bliss,

simply enter the hallways of your heart.

There, you will find the perfection

that so many still strive for.

But this is not something

that needs to be mastered.

It is simply something

that must be received.

It is a gift always on offer,

never withheld nor rationed,

withdrawn or put on hold.

It is a Sanctuary that always is open.

Where Source will sustain you,

no matter the cause.

So sit with your Self,

and you will find what you search for.

For it is already here,

embedded within your heart.

Welcome to the September Gathering in Grace, Sunday September 3

Give yourself the gift of gratitude.

Fill yourself up from this eternal fountain,

offering up an endless supply of nourishment.

Not just for you, but for all.

For as you receive, you equally give,

creating a reciprocal flow of love

that can literally move mountains.

But it cannot flow

unless you allow yourself to partake of it as well,

not just serve it up to everyone else.

For it does to serve anyone

if you refuse to imbibe freely

from this sacred sustenance being offered.

It is the elixir of love.

It is the very Essence of connectedness.

It is the Dance of Life itself.

Dear friends!

We are approaching the second Full Moon of August. It is a “Super Blue Moon”, signaling the transition into the month of September. For so many around the world, August has been a challenging month, but also one offering up countless blessings. Here at Stavika, it has been a time for introspection, but also one for opening up to the unknown. We have welcomed many new people into our lives, reconnecting some old connections, and opening up new ones.

Co-creation is at the centre of everything, and this Sunday, September 3 at 19:00 our time, (UTC +2), we invite you to join us for the September Gathering in Grace. Let us come together in spirit for a 30 minute meditation and co-create a loving, flowing heart space. Let us fill it up with gratitude and joy, so we can nurture ourselves and others by “imbibing freely” the Essence of Connectedness as we dance the Dance of Life together. We are so looking forward to “seeing” you there!

With love, light and so much gratitude from Bente Lisbeth and Eva Julia and everyone else here at OM Stavika – Land of Grace. 🙏💞

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 19:00 Norway time (UTC+2) in your time zone here.