Solstice Celebration

The Cosmic dance of light continues.

The light outside may vary,

but within, it is always constant.

Never dimmed,

even if you yourself might

lose sight of it.

That is because

your mind tends to take over.

Clouding your days

with an incessant insistence

on having its say.

So find the stillness.

Quell that voice.

Let it go,

and let your stillness hold you.

There, the light is always present.

There, your day is always bright.

Dear friends! Sending Solstice Blessings to you all  💖 Here at Land of Grace, the days are short, wet and windy. But inside, we keep the fire burning and continue to share our light as best we can 💖 Thank you for adding your vibrant light to this world – every day, in every way 🙏

Alchemical metamorphosis continues

Alchemical metamorphosis

continues on a cellular level.

The fluidity of the realms

may cause confusion,

for by now, everything will be in flux.

An inner focus is advisable,

as the outer presentation of chaos

will only intensify.

Much attention will be drawn  

to what is being destabilized,

and the process in itself is unsettling.

But what appears as a collapse,

is in actual fact a total restructuring.

And when the dust begins to settle,

you will behold the most wondrous of things.

Until then, seek out that safe haven within.

As always, your inner illumination

is the best way to lighten up the path ahead.

The vibrancy of your soul

The vibrancy of your soul

is becoming more apparent,

as the glory that is you

continues to unfold.

Petal by petal,

the true construct of your

beingness reveals itself.

Fractals of information come alive,

as you dive ever deeper into your core.

Step by step,

heartbeat by heartbeat

you see your path light up.

Feeling into the sacredness

of every single moment,

you know

you already know everything.

It is simply a matter

of allowing it

to flower at its own accord.

You are the birthplace of the stars

You are the birthplace

of the stars.

Entire worlds spring forth

from your inner sanctum.

A great outpouring of harmonies

ripple out whenever you connect

to your Essence.

You breathe life into Life,

creating a world of wonders

wherever you go.

So keep on keeping on,

let that inner light

continue to flow unabated.