Welcome to the October Gathering in Grace, Sunday October 2.

Look upon this period

as the birthing of the New Human.

Just as in any birth, fear, confusion

and even pain will be rampant.

But what is emerging,

is what so many of you already experience;

clarity, calmness and a deep sense of connectedness.

For what is being born,

is a way of life that you already know by heart.

A life where unity is the driving force

behind everything you do.

And one by one, you arrive at the same conclusion:

that all of the confusion comes

from the misconception of disconnection.

Not just from Self, but from ALL that is.

And as soon as this insight comes to light within,

you instantly achieve

what you have been striving for for so long.

The knowingness that you are here simply to be you, and to be ONE.

Like pin pricks of light in a churning sea of darkness,

you instill hope in all those

still struggling to see that same light within themselves.

As shining beacons you show them the way back home.

It is a journey that is a very personal one.

But it cannot be achieved unless you come together.

For true unity is the purpose of this incarnation of humans.

Of finding back to your roots,

and to realize that you are already ONE.

Dear friends!
We are entering October, and autumn has arrived. With it comes a sense of going inwards, of connecting to our roots. Even though there is so much happening on a global scale, it is as if time and everything else is slowing down here in Stavika. We feel the calling to hold space, to simply BE, creating a container to help others find their center in all of the ongoing drama. And this Sunday, we invite you to join us for the October Gathering in Grace at 19:00 our time (UTC + 2). It will be at Sunset, and as darkness falls, we will connect everyone present, both in person and in spirit. AS ONE, we will light the flames that hopefully will help so many others “see that same light within themselves.”

Thank you for being a part of this co-creation, thank you for being here in this NOW.

With gratitude and love from all of us here,
Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia 💞

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 19:00 Norway time (UTC+2) in your time zone here.

Equinox Message

Feel into the paradox of the Equinox.

For this period of seeming balance

belies the true progression of change.

For nature cannot stand still.

Nor can Creation.

It is a never ending cycle of beginnings and ends.

Commencement and closure.

And now, it will all gain momentum

beyond anything experienced

on this planet before.

For the Old has expired.

The final breath has been taken.

Yet, the illusion of permanence lingers on.

But remember, nothing lasts forever.

It simply dissolves into fractals of future potential.

So look upon this period of so many endings

as the most fertile of nourishment

for the brightening flames of renewal.

Sudden shifts of trajectories

will be born from this pregnant pause.

It behooves you well

to expect the unexpected.

Because you can rest assured

that the outcome will more

than surpass your expectations.

Welcome to the first Gathering in Grace, Sunday September 4

This is the place

where the river meets the sea.

Where everything comes together.

Merging as ONE.

And this is who you are.

For you are the drop and the ocean.

The grain of sand and the beach.

You are the end,

but also the beginning.

And so it is.

And so it will be.


Dear friends!

These words that came through this morning really ring true for me. Because the September Gathering will be the very first Gathering where everything I share, both in person here in Stavika and online, will come together. For this Sunday, September 4, at 19:00 my time, I invite you all to join me for the very first Gathering in Grace.

In many aspects, it will be just like the Gatherings around the Pond that so many of you already are familiar with. But this time, we will also host a meditation here where we live. It will start at 19:00 our time (UTC + 2), two hours earlier than the former Gatherings, but as usual, you can join us at any time that works for you. For this is ,as always, truly “a Gathering out of time” as the CCs like to say it.  

Our drums will play an important part, in a very literal way. Exactly two years ago, the three of us birthed our own ceremonial drums. It was a sacred process, and it really felt like we were giving life to three individual beings. Each with its own distinct voice. Every time we are called to use our drums for a ceremony or meditation, something unique emerges. The drums guide us, setting the pace and the duration of the drumming. It is so magical to hear these three voices sing together, weaving in and out, creating a different song every time.

So this Sunday, all six of us are looking forward to connecting with every single one of you. I will do the guiding in to the meditation, and I will connect everyone present here at Stavika with all of you, no matter where on this beautiful planet you live.

I am so looking forward to sharing this Gathering with all of you! And hopefully, we get the chance to meet you in person one day here at Land of Grace in Stavika.

With gratitude and love from all of us here,

Bente ❤️

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 19:00 Norway time (UTC+2) in your time zone here.

The Gardener and the Seed

I am the gardener and the seed.
Birthing my own self.
Silently witnessing the unfolding.
Body and soul merging as I emerge.
Becoming one, becoming me.

Dear Family of Grace!

These words came back to me this morning, and I was inspired to make this video from our garden. I received the message a few years ago, but now, it feels more relevant than ever. As you may recall from my last message, “Coming Full Circle,” it has been quite a journey of emergence I have taken these last 11 years. Especially since my sister Lisbeth and I literally transplanted ourselves to Stavika to live and work with Eva Julia.

We arrived here in January 2020, becoming full time partners in Eva Julia’s yoga studio in downtown Molde. Then, on March 20, everything changed. Covid lockdown began in Norway. We were no longer allowed to do what we came here to do.

We did not know it at the time, but that was the beginning of Land of Grace. Because that was when we started to embrace the magic that lives here on our land. Little by little, we started to create our garden. When Eva Julia first came, there was almost nothing here except grass and paving stones.

As we started to dig, we could feel the energies themselves opening up, activating and guiding us as we worked. It was as if the land itself showed us where to plant and where to create sacred spaces. And so, what started out as a small vegetable garden, has grown into so much more. At last count, we have created around 40 flower and vegetable beds. In addition, we have our meditation path along the river, the Elf garden, fire pits and our Ceremony Circle down in the grove.

It is not just the garden that has expanded since we came here. We have also grown. It has been a process of death and rebirth. Of letting go of the old version of ourselves. Of having to say goodbye to all the plans we had, and the future we expected. Instead, we have given life to Land of Grace. And we have found our true calling. From all of the chaos of these last two years, clarity has risen.

Now, we see ourselves. Now, we KNOW why we are here. As individuals, and as a collective. Not just to BE on this land, but to share it. With you, and with all who feel the same calling to find their way home. Home to their Self. And home to humanity.

It is time to remember who we are. To rediscover our own immense potential. And to reclaim the right to live our lives in joyful collaboration with others. To quote from one of the last messages I shared as Aisha North:
” It is not an “every man for himself”- world.
Rather, it is a world that finds its strength from
the simple idea that everything and everyone is connected.
And it is only through such collaboration,
anchored in the heart,
you will build a future
that stands on the firmest of grounds.”

Our vision is to continue to expand this community more and more. To help others find their way back home to themselves by inviting them to visit Land of Grace. In person, or in this space. And thanks to you, we are already a global family. Thank you for saying YES to  becoming a part of our life. We invite you to add your voice to this space too, by sharing your thoughts in the  comments below. Let us co-create a future that “stands on the firmest of grounds”. We look forward to hearing from you!

With gratitude and love from all of us at Land of Grace,
Bente ❤️

Coming Full Circle

In the early hours of August 16, 2011, exactly 11 years ago, I received the first of many hundreds of channeled messages that was to become The manuscript of Survival. That morning, I literally closed down my own business. I took a leap of faith into the unknown, because I just knew that this was my path to take from that moment on.

Aisha North was born on that same day. My birth name is Bente Amundsen, but as Aisha North, I embraced so much more of my own Self, the parts not restricted to the physical vehicle. But now, I have come to realize that my journey has brought me to a place where it is all ONE. The parts of me that needed to be acknowledged with the name Aisha North no longer feel separate. So from today, I will only use my given name, Bente Amundsen.

I have also come to realize that the leap of faith I took, together with my twin sister Lisbeth, in moving from Oslo, the place we both lived until two and a half years ago, to Stavika on the wild and rugged west coast of Norway, has been essential for fulfilling our life purpose. It is truly a labour of love that we do here, together with our soul sister Eva Julia and all our animals.

Nature speaks loudly here, as do the energies. From the smallest of creatures to the intensity of the weather. And everything here wants to have its voice heard. The land itself, the animals, the plants and all of the unseen that reside here. Words and actions, insights and creations, they all emerge from the same Source and carry the same message: see your own greatness, and share it with the world.

We will share all the messages that come, either through me or one of the other Souls residing here. You will learn more about our life and our co-creations here in Stavika, as we continue our work to nourish the land and ourselves, inspiring others to do the same, creating a community of like minded souls along the way.

Thank you to every single one of you who have followed me through the years. Thank you for all of your love and support, you have helped me see my purpose clearly. Welcome to Land of Grace, I hope you will feel as home there as we do. For this is what I know deep down in my heart – I am finally HOME.
Bente Amundsen

PS: if you want to read the messages I have channeled as Aisha North, you can see them here.