November Full Moon Message

Resplendent in the night sky,

the Full Moon is here to remind you

that you can never lose your light.

It is forever anchored within you.

The flickering flame of your Soul

will never go out.

But at times like these,

it may appear somewhat dimmer than usual.

Just like the moon, hidden behind the clouds.

But that is merely an illusion,

 a trick of the eye,

created by the large amount of dust

being kicked up around you.

It is a well orchestrated attempt

to divert your focus.

But your Light Signature

can never be compromised.

It is embedded within your genes.

So again we say,

enquire within.

There, you will be assured

by the brightness that is

and will forever be yours.

You are the child of your imagination

There is an infinite number

of versions of you.

Each one existing for only a fraction of time.

You are the child of your imagination.

Your own perception coming to life.

Birthed by your current state of being.

For you are your own creator.

The one defining the how and the why.

A constant dance of atoms,

collapsing into being.

Ever changing,

always open for re-interpretation.

For you are not a fixed object.

Nothing is constant.

Everything is re-programmable.

Conscious or unconscious.

That is your choice to make.

Welcome to the November Gathering in Grace, Sunday November 3

Incandescent light is pouring in.

Forging new connections.

Dissolving old bonds.

No thing nor no one is untouched

by these highly charged particles.

It is as if a myriad of hands

engage with the wheels and cogs

of your entire existence.

So much is being set into motion now.

A flurry of activity – within and without.

The forward momentum is great,

as is the feeling of unsettledness.

But do not let that faze you.

Simply allow this tidal wave of change

to carry you along.

The trajectory is clear,

but the mind is likely to get in the way.

The not-knowing can be flummoxing,

but it is in actual fact the best way

to ensure a swift passage.

In this Ocean of Transformation,

your surest compass is within your heart.

That all-knowing part of you

will always lead you in the right direction.

So seek shelter there

whenever the seas feel rough.

There, you will also feel the presence

of your Soul Mates.

With all hands on deck,

you form a formidable flotilla of liberators.

As One, you set yourselves free from

everything that has been weighing you down for millennia.

So rest assured that a swift wind will continue to blow.

But you are, and will always be,

homeward bound.

Dear friends!

We are exiting the energies of October, and entering the activating and amplifying energies of November. I have a feeling that many of you can agree that “No thing nor no one is untouched by these highly charged particles”. At times, this ride is a wild one indeed, but as ONE, we can help each other to find a way to make it as smooth as possible.

So this Sunday, November 3 at 20:00 our time (UTC + 1), we invite you to join us for the November Gathering in Grace. Let us come together with our hearts and with our spirits and co-create a sheltering space in this churning “Ocean of Transformation”.

We look forward to BEing with you there!

With love, light and gratitude from all of us here at OM Stavika – Land of Grace; Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia 💞

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 20:00 Norway time (UTC+1) in your time zone here.

Heavenly Bodies

The Heavenly Bodies affect you.

Because you are one of them.

A Celestial Being,

composed of the same matter

as the stars.

The bond between you

and everything that exists

is perpetual.

The sense of separation illusory.

So dive deep into this

web of connectedness.

Lean into the support

that is always there.

For you.

And for ALL.

As an individual,

you partake in a collective journey.

A lone traveller,

but also a member

of the Galactic Tribe.

The Earth Walkers,

here to bring change.

A change that ripples out

far from these shores.

And as such,

you are indeed Universally Beloved.

The might of the light

Never underestimate

the power of love

nor the might of the light.

Surrendering to either

is never a defeat.

Rather, it is the

best way to empower yourself.

So allow the chalice of your heart

to receive what is being offered.

The gifts are more than abundant,

almost overwhelmingly so.

But do not let that deter you

from welcoming them.

They are here to assist you,

uplift you on all levels.

As a result, your physical energy

may seem low.

But remember,

that is simply a testament

to the effectiveness

of these enlightening emissaries.

So allow your body some rest ,  

as it will help your spirit to rise.

Welcome to the October Gathering in Grace, Sunday October  6

The Cosmic reverberations continue,

calling all souls to connect.

With themselves, and with each other.

The living light pours in.

Widening cracks, opening doors.

The growing pains may be startling.

But remember,

they are messengers

of expansion.

As One,

you proceed on the path

of transformation.

The Tribe of Oneness is sure to thrive,

no matter the current circumstances.

As individual strengths combine,

they form a formidable forcefield.

Fellowship equals fortitude,

and a gathering of souls

will always find the courage to carry on.

Dear friends!
October has arrived. Here at Land of Grace, so too has autumn. The temperature has dropped considerably, the fall colours are starting to blaze, and the first snow has fallen on the mountains. There is a strong calling to “draw inwards”, light a fire and just BE. With “ourselves, and with each other”. For as the world continues to change, and so much of the old is crumbling, a deepening sense of connection emerges. Now, more than ever, it is so important to kindle the flame of connectedness.

This Sunday, October 6, at 20:00 our time (UTC+2), we invite you to join us for the October Gathering in Grace. Let us come together in spirit for a  30 minute meditation and co-create a “formidable forcefield” that will offer support to all those seeking a firmer ground to stand on in these deeply transformative times. Thank you for BEing here NOW – your light is a gift beyond words.

With love, light and gratitude from all of us here at Land of Grace – OM Stavika,
Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia 💞🍁🙏

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 20:00 Norway time (UTC+2) in your time zone here.

The lusciousness of the emptiness

The lusciousness of the emptiness.

The vibrancy of the void.

Stillness calls you

as old realities fade away.

The present Presence

do not resemble your past.

Thoughts feel irrelevant.

Actions are put on hold.

It is time to simply BE.

With your Self.

With the Silence.

And with the knowledge that ALL is well.

Equinox Message

Karmic contracts are being cleared.

Equanimity is restored.

A free passage is assured

by the Solar Pulsations.

Fine tune your perception.

Look beyond old impressions.

The New has arrived.

Do not let the old obscure that fact.

Balance is not to be sought.

Rather, a forward momentum is encouraged

by the quickening flow.

Much will take form now.

Even more will fade away.

Do not look back on what is crumbling.

Focus your gaze on what is yet to come.

Even though it is far from clearly defined,

you will know it in your heart of hearts.

It is beyond words.

Beyond description.

But already, fully within reach.

Dear friends! Sending (early) Equinox Blessings to you all, may you have a truly magical week 🙏💞☀️

The contours of your Essence

One by one,

they fall away.

The veils of illusion.

The imprints of confusion.

Clarity emerges.

Certainty appears.

Truth is looking back at you

in the mirror.

Your qualities are  becoming apparent.

Your ideas of shortcoming melt away.

The shimmering threads

that make up the core of your being

are finally coming together.

You see the contours of your Essence.

You are Homo Luminous.

The Shining One.

No more hiding under the pretence of protection.

It is more than safe to come out.

Into the light.

Into the open.

Sharing your gifts.

That is the prerequisite for fulfillment.

It is not a prophecy,

it is a fact.

So go wherever Joy takes you.

It may take you in some unexpected directions.

It may take your breath away.

But it will deLight not just you,

but us ALL.

Your bright, new wings.

Awakened by the

escalating increase

in the Cosmic Hum,

you emerge from your chrysalis.

Your bright, new wings

yet untried.

But buoyed by the

quickening solar winds,

you will surely soon fly.

Borne aloft,

above all of commotion,

you will see the bigger picture.

For you are not Icarus,

and soaring ever higher

will only be a boon.

And as you rise,

others will follow in your wake.

For the brighter you shine,

the more defined the shadows become,

guiding all those yearning to thrive

to turn towards the light.