Welcome to the January Gathering in Grace, Sunday January 5


Tabula Rasa.

A blank slate.

Ready to be inscribed.

With the most wondrous of colours

to choose from.

And a vast canvas

upon which to use them.

So choose wisely.

Paint freely.

Do not repeat the same old patterns

out of habit.

Make sure to cast away

the old molds.

Set your mind free,

and let your imagination take flight.

What do you want to create

in this New Year?

And with whom?

For togetherness is the key.

Not in order to sement old connections,

but to co-create something very new.

So let your creative juices flow.

And allow them to freely intermingle

with those of others.

Then Magic will be more than plentiful

on the Canvas of Life entitled 2025.

Dear friends!

2025 has arrived. It is a “blank slate”, ready to be filled with as much Magic as possible. It is a year for co-creation, for coming together as ONE as an antidote to all the voices of separation. This Sunday, January 5, at 20:00 our time (UTC+!), we invite you to join us for the January Gathering in Grace. Let us come together in spirit for a 30 minute meditation, blend our sacred colours together and co-create the first part of “the Canvas of Life entitled 2025.”

Thank you for BEIng here NOW, thank you for adding your vibrant light to this New Year!

With love, light and gratitude from all of us here at Land of Grace – OM Stavika; Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia ๐Ÿ’ž

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 20:00 Norway time (UTC+1) in your time zone here.

Your bright, new wings.

Awakened by the

escalating increase

in the Cosmic Hum,

you emerge from your chrysalis.

Your bright, new wings

yet untried.

But buoyed by the

quickening solar winds,

you will surely soon fly.

Borne aloft,

above all of commotion,

you will see the bigger picture.

For you are not Icarus,

and soaring ever higher

will only be a boon.

And as you rise,

others will follow in your wake.

For the brighter you shine,

the more defined the shadows become,

guiding all those yearning to thrive

to turn towards the light.

Dawn choir

Dear friends! This morning, I felt called to re-share these words with a new video:

The choir of light is singing.

Ever stronger.

Ever brighter.

Like the jubilant sound of birds

heralding in dawn,

your voices ring out across the world.

In what for many may seem

as the darkest of hours,

you send out a message of hope.

For this is not the end.

This is the beginning

of a vibrant New Day.

And one by one,

countless others will pick up their courage,

adding their voice to this wondrous choir of light.

Can you feel it in your heart?

Can you feel it in your bones?

Dawn is coming.

Morning Glory

Awaken to the Morning Glory.

Awaken to the dawn of a new beginning.

Every second of every day.

For you are not like a fixed star

on the firmament.

You are a moveable feast

of manifestation.

Creating yourself

and everything around you.

Again and again.

For life is malleable.

Like clay in your hands.

Ready to be formed

by your intention.

So awaken to the dawn of a new beginning.

What do you want to create on this day?

Welcome to the February Gathering in Grace, Sunday February 4

The heavy rains have melted the deep snow. And today, in a sheltered spot, I came upon these; the very first sign of spring: Snowdrops (Galanthus) A new world is sprouting!๐Ÿ™

Your powers of perception are awakening.

Your awareness is expanding,

as is the impact of your presence on this planet.

When you step into your greatness,

you shift everything around you.

Almost imperceptibly at first,

but more and more,

you will sense the immenseness

of the change that follows in your footsteps.

For you bring your world forward

with every conscious step you take.

In your wake,

a new world is sprouting.

You bring life to places

that have been slumbering for eons.

You bring light

even to the darkest corners of your world.

With this, everything shifts.

Even the planets on their axis.

For where you go,

All of Creation follows.

And now, more and more gatherings

are being held all over your planet.

One by one, people are coming together,

creating groups, large and small.

Together, they emit enough light

to awaken everything and everyone around them.

Because from small beginnings, huge shifts are born.

So go forth with the knowledge that you are the creators.

What was, will soon cease to be,

as what you breathe life into,

begins to fully blossom into life.

And so it is, and so it will be.



Dear friends!
We are about to complete our journey through January, and enter into the second month of the year. Once again, time seems to speed up, accompanied by a strong sense of expansion. As if the very fabric of reality is morphing and stretching, allowing so much NEW to emerge. Mother Nature is joining in too. Here at Stavika, She will welcome in February with powerful winds and so much energy.

On Sunday, February 4, at 19:00 our time (UTC+1), you are all warmly welcome to join us in spirit for our February Gathering in Grace. As we sit in silent meditation, let us feel into how we “together, emit enough light to awaken everything and everyone around us.” Thank you all for BEing part of this Gathering – “Because from small beginnings, huge shifts are born.”

With love, light and gratitude from all of us here at OM Stavika – Land of Grace;

Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ™

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 19:00 Norway time (UTC+1) in your time zone here.

Welcome to the January Gathering in Grace, Sunday January 7

Gloriously attired,

the New Year is here.

Resplendent in Her

gown of crystalline light,

she beckons.

Come forth, She says

your light is equal to mine.

Let it show, let it flow.

It is time to bedazzle this world

with your Soular brilliance.

Dear friends!
2024 is here. We have literally turned a new leaf. Entered a brand new energy. Can you feel it? Like a sweet calling in the air, and invitation to open ourselves up to receive the gifts being offered – and to share our own. Our invitation is to join us this Sunday, January 7, at 19:00 our time (UTC+1) for our very first Gathering in Grace in 2024. It is an opportunity to sit down in silence, wherever you are, and connect deeply. To yourself, to these very New energies, and to everyone else opening their hearts to come together as ONE at this time. Thank you again for BEing part of this ever increasing wave of light flowing over this planet. Let it flow – let us GLOW!

With love, light and gratitude from all of us here at OM Stavika – Land of Grace,
Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ™

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 19:00 Norway time (UTC+1) in your time zoneย here.

12:12 – New Moon Message

Dear friends! Today, at 12:00 on December 12, I was guided to create this video and to (re)share this message with you:

You are the Moon.
Yet old.
Endlessly changing.
Yet constant.
Because of you, entire oceans move.
Tidal waves of light traversing the globe.
Pulled along by your presence.
And as you glow , you show the way.
The night is never too dark.
Because of you.

Never, ever forget the eternal blessing of your presence on this planet! Wishing you all a magical Sacred Season from all of us here at Land of Grace – OM Stavika, Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia ๐Ÿ’–


Slowly you emerge,

untangling yourself

from the debris of history.

Fret not if your field of vision still seems limited.

The future may speak softly,

but soon, it will sing loudly within you.

This passage is not one that will go unnoticed.

Not by you, nor by anyone.

The depth of change is by far

the most profound you have ever experienced.

As a collective, as well as individuals.

So take a deep breath,

and give yourself the space you need

to anchor these changes as they come.

At times, one by one.

But more often than not,

as vibrant and vigorous clusters.

Remember, you have given yourselves

this gift of Arrival.

So cherish it,

even though it might be more

than a little daunting.

For you are indeed

made from the same stuff as the stars.

And now, you are finally

beginning to outshine them all.

Ripples of Light

Ripples of light

continue to spread across this planet.

Penetrating ever deeper

into the murky, unresolved.

One by one, souls light up.

One by one, hearts open up.

Ready to receive

the glory and the grace

that is calling you

from the very depth of the Universe.

Rejoice, says the light,

you are born again.

And so it is,

and so it will be.


Dear friends! Early this morning, I was called down to the beach. Then, this message came through. We have just experienced a period of intense rain and strong winds, so waking up to this calm, sunny day made me feel as if the entire world was “born again”.

The shift of Ages

The shift of Ages has begun.

Tune into the choir

of the Elementals,

for that is where

the voice of reason can be found.

The forces of nature

continue to sift through the sands of time.

Ancestral Leylines will be released,

allowing you to reclaim your future Selves.