New Moon Message

Diving ever deeper

into the mystery that is you.

Revealing layer after layer,

inviting you to find

what is still hidden from view.

For just like the New Moon,

not visible is not the same

as not present.

It is always there.

A force to be reckoned with.

Empowering your life.

Lightening your road.

A treasure trove

for you to uncover.

For the depth of your wisdom is immense.

So too the scope of your gifts.

So give yourself the gift

of continuing to discover even more.

The true bandwidth of your light

may be beyond your imagination.

But it is never beyond reach.

Solaris is singing

Solaris is singing.

A photonic symphony

inviting you to dance along.

A constant flow

of fluctuating magnetics,

timed to perfection.

Shaking you to the core,

enabling your True Essence

to rise to the surface.

Embrace this dance,

as you are embraced

by these outpourings of love.

It is an upliftment of Souls,

unparalleled on your shores.

Welcome to the March Gathering in Grace, Sunday March 3

Sunbursts of light

are entering your field.

Patiently dismantling

all outmoded structures

while simultaneously birthing the new.

As you embody more and more light,

your sense of separation melts away.

A new perspective emerges.

One of unity and connectedness.

Supported by this awakened awareness,

a magnificent vortex of light is created.

One that encourages

more and more of your brethren

to step out of their own shadows.

An ever increasing flow of souls

are getting onboard

the express wave of enlightenment.

No more lingering in doubt or crouching in fear,

they stand tall and unwavering in their own light.

Just like you do.

Can you feel the quickening?

Dear friends!
Welcome to February 29! A very special day in a very special year, as I think many of you will agree. It has been a month vibrating with powerful energies, bringing in even more change. A highly energized March awaits us, with the Equinox and a Lunar Eclipse.  What a time to BE here NOW! And what a blessing it is to BE in all of this together! This Sunday, March 3, at 19:00 our time (UTC+1) we invite you to join us in spirit for our March Gathering in Grace. Let us welcome in the quickening that is the spring of 2024. It feels like it is one we will look back on in awe and wonder.

With love, light and gratitude from all of us here at OM Stavika – Land of Grace,
Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia. 💞💛

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 19:00 Norway time (UTC+1) in your time zone here.

Welcome to the January Gathering in Grace, Sunday January 7

Gloriously attired,

the New Year is here.

Resplendent in Her

gown of crystalline light,

she beckons.

Come forth, She says

your light is equal to mine.

Let it show, let it flow.

It is time to bedazzle this world

with your Soular brilliance.

Dear friends!
2024 is here. We have literally turned a new leaf. Entered a brand new energy. Can you feel it? Like a sweet calling in the air, and invitation to open ourselves up to receive the gifts being offered – and to share our own. Our invitation is to join us this Sunday, January 7, at 19:00 our time (UTC+1) for our very first Gathering in Grace in 2024. It is an opportunity to sit down in silence, wherever you are, and connect deeply. To yourself, to these very New energies, and to everyone else opening their hearts to come together as ONE at this time. Thank you again for BEing part of this ever increasing wave of light flowing over this planet. Let it flow – let us GLOW!

With love, light and gratitude from all of us here at OM Stavika – Land of Grace,
Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia 💛🙏

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 19:00 Norway time (UTC+1) in your time zone here.

Silently witnessing the unfolding

Silently witnessing the unfolding

as light continues to cascade on to this planet.

Cracks appear, within and without.

Letting the light in,

is akin to letting go

of all of the old stories.

No change comes unannounced.

Everything is registered.

Everything is welcomed.

Perhaps not by the mind.

But your true Self

is the one opening the door.

The very essence of your being

is saying YES.

To reclaiming your identity.

To reclaiming your powers.

So embrace the light.

It is the great liberator.

Of minds.

Of hearts.

And of souls.

Sing the song of your Soul

Sing the song of your soul.

Let it ring out loud and clear

in thoughts, actions, words.

Never ever for a moment think that your presence

on this planet is of no importance.

You can topple mountains,

but also quieten the waves.

Simply by being YOU.

So listen well to that clear, consistent voice within.

That is your own greatness speaking.

Follow that prompting, and you will make magic happen.

Great and small miracles await you.

The Wonders of the Universe

are ready to show themselves through you.

In ways that only you can imagine.

For you are here to manifest

the magnificence you carry within you.

And remember, great things can and will arise

from the smallest, seemingly insignificant of deeds.

They happen because you make them come alive,

when you allow your light to sing through you.

And so, you make this world a much brighter place.

Every single day, in every single way.

Welcome to the August Gathering in Grace, Sunday August 6

Shimmering like a many-petaled flower,

you cast your combined light far and wide.

Composed of separate souls,

you function as the cells of the human body.

Each one assigned a unique purpose,

designed to bring light and movement to life.

As a unit, you constitute an immense body of light.

Acting separately, yet having a profound effect as a whole.

A massive amount of accumulated knowledge

passes through you and out into the collective.

Because of you, change is manifesting at an ever-increasing speed.

Because of you, life on this planet is evolving in a brand new way.

You bring light into the darkest of places.

You bring hope, where none has yet to be seen.

You are, and will always be, a gift to ALL.

Dear friends!
The calendar has turned another leaf, August is here. Once again, we sense the quickening of the energies. Out in nature, life keeps expanding. And within, we do the same. So much constant change can be a challenge, but it helps to know we are all in good company. As always, tuning into the comfort of having so many wonderful traveling companions, helps us understand that even more magic awaits us all.

This Sunday, August 6, at 19:00 our time (UTC +2), we invite you to join us in spirit for our August Gathering in Grace. No matter where you are in the world, let us come together for a 30 minute meditation and BE that “many-petaled flower, casting our combined light far and wide”. Together, we brighten up the road ahead for ALL of our fellow travelers.

 With love, light and gratitude from Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia here at OM Stavika, Land of Grace  💞

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 19:00 Norway time (UTC+2) in your time zone here.

Welcome to the July Gathering in Grace, Sunday July 2

Constantly connecting.

Constantly evolving.

Nature never stops, nor do you.

A continuous flow of energetic manifestation.

Light becoming form.

Life begetting life.

Infinite potential,

finding ever new ways

to express itself.

Through you,

and through everything

and everyone around you.

No expression more valid than others,

nor any less.

It is all part of the vibrant spectrum that is LIFE.

Still, you all get to choose your own way of expressing light.

And life.

For nothing is written in stone.

Nothing pre-defined.

It is all up to you which way and in what form

you want your light to flow.

And also the brightness of it.

For even though you all come in

with the same potential to glow,

only you can define the wattage you choose

to send out into the world.

No one else.

External circumstances can try to dim your light,

but it cannot be made to fade away.

Only if you choose so yourself.

So be vibrant – be bright.

Remember, the smallest of flames

can lighten even the darkest of rooms.

And together, you outshine

even the brightest stars on the firmament.

Dear friends!
This weekend , we enter the month of July. Time seems to fly by, as the energies keep expanding and intensifying. Here at Stavika, we have been blessed with some beautiful summer days. The Sun is below the horizon for only a few, short hours, so Light is an almost constant presence. Everything around us seems to have exploded into life, daily reminders of the vibrancy and vitality of Mother Nature. It makes us feel so alive, and so much a part of everything.

This Sunday, at 19:00 our time (UTC +2), we are so looking forward to celebrating life and light with our July Gathering in Grace. No matter where you are in the world, we invite you to join us in spirit for a 30 minute meditation. Let us send our vibrant, beautiful light out into the world, and “outshine even the brightest stars on the firmament.”

With love, light and gratitude from Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia here at OM Stavika, Land of
Grace  💖

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 19:00 Norway time (UTC+2) in your time zone here.

Encircled within the silence

Encircled within the silence,

the sacredness in everything

becomes apparent

as eternity presents itself through you.

An infinite succession of finite moments.

Photonic displays of clarity,

emerging from the womb of Creation.

You are a Cosmic firework.

Sparks of light becoming life

through your human existence.

Not by chance, but by design.

God experiencing God as itself.

The vastness of perfection is immense,

expressed as moments of daily occurrences.

Nothing is insignificant,

yet everything is an illusion.

Constructed to infuse light with life.

Lived through you.

By you.

For you.

The Spiraling Sun – Easter message

After I received this message, I was guided to go outside. This is what I saw.

The spiraling Sun

is emitting starbursts of light.

Vital clues as to what this will entail

can only be found within.

For this is a heart based activation,

an individual song that will arise

from your core.

So sing your song

and sound your horn.

It is time to present your Self

to the world.