Welcome to the November Gathering in Grace, Sunday November 3

Incandescent light is pouring in.

Forging new connections.

Dissolving old bonds.

No thing nor no one is untouched

by these highly charged particles.

It is as if a myriad of hands

engage with the wheels and cogs

of your entire existence.

So much is being set into motion now.

A flurry of activity – within and without.

The forward momentum is great,

as is the feeling of unsettledness.

But do not let that faze you.

Simply allow this tidal wave of change

to carry you along.

The trajectory is clear,

but the mind is likely to get in the way.

The not-knowing can be flummoxing,

but it is in actual fact the best way

to ensure a swift passage.

In this Ocean of Transformation,

your surest compass is within your heart.

That all-knowing part of you

will always lead you in the right direction.

So seek shelter there

whenever the seas feel rough.

There, you will also feel the presence

of your Soul Mates.

With all hands on deck,

you form a formidable flotilla of liberators.

As One, you set yourselves free from

everything that has been weighing you down for millennia.

So rest assured that a swift wind will continue to blow.

But you are, and will always be,

homeward bound.

Dear friends!

We are exiting the energies of October, and entering the activating and amplifying energies of November. I have a feeling that many of you can agree that “No thing nor no one is untouched by these highly charged particles”. At times, this ride is a wild one indeed, but as ONE, we can help each other to find a way to make it as smooth as possible.

So this Sunday, November 3 at 20:00 our time (UTC + 1), we invite you to join us for the November Gathering in Grace. Let us come together with our hearts and with our spirits and co-create a sheltering space in this churning “Ocean of Transformation”.

We look forward to BEing with you there!

With love, light and gratitude from all of us here at OM Stavika – Land of Grace; Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia 💞

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 20:00 Norway time (UTC+1) in your time zone here.

Welcome to the October Gathering in Grace, Sunday October 1

Creational light is permeating the masses.

Outmoded modalities melt away,

revealing the true core of Mankind.

The elevation of Oneness continues

as you each open up to your own inner light.

Separation will no longer serve you,

whether from your Self

or from all that surrounds you.

Conscious co-creation is the only way forward.

It is the next evolutionary step

that will act as a quantum leap for humanity.

And so, you gather momentum.

Each day, in every way.

The future is not only bright.

It is also already here.

Dear friends!
This Sunday, October begins. For us here at Stavika, the last part of September has been deeply transformational – in a very positive way. We feel we go into this new month as new versions of ourselves. Not only that, this last week has also brought some amazing people into our lives. It has been a wonderful confirmation that “conscious co-creation is the only way forward”.

This Sunday, October 1 at 19:00 our time (UTC + 2), we invite you to join us to co-create our October Gathering in Grace. Let us meet up in spirit for a 30 minute meditation and “elevate the Oneness” once again.

We look forward to “seeing” you all! With love, light and gratitude from OM Stavika – Land of Grace, Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia 💞 🙏

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 19:00 Norway time (UTC+2) in your time zone here.

If you want to support our work with a donation, you can do so here. Thank you! 🙏

Valentine’s Message

Tune into the heartbeat

of the Cosmic Mother.

Feel yourself held

within Her energetic embrace.

Feel the resonance emanating

from the core of Mother Earth.

Her heart is beating

to the same tune as yours.

From heart to heart,

you are all connected.

A web of light,

constantly pulsating,

constantly nurturing.

And as you receive,

you equally give.

For this is a fully reciprocal web.

One where no one can give away, nor receive,

more than what is needed for this whole

interconnected organism to fully thrive.

And with every heartbeat,

the same message is being sent out.

You are not alone.

You are like the individual petals

on a single flower.

All growing from the same stem.

Connected through the heart.

So feel into this rhythm, lean into the support.

And know that simply by you doing that,

you also support everyone else.        

Dear friends! Wishing you all a magical Valentine’s ❤️ We will be celebrating Valentine’s Day with a Sound Meditation here in Molde at 19:00 our time (UTC+1) on Tuesday the 14th. Our event is part of the world wide 21st Annual World Sound Healing Day. All over the world, people will gather to create Healing Sounds encoded with the intention of love and compassion to send a “sonic valentine” to Mother Earth, with the intention of raising the consciousness of all sentient beings. You can also participate, in person or in spirit, in this beautiful Global Gathering. Read more about the 21st Annual World Sound Healing Day here.

With much LOVE from all of us!
Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia 💞