One by one,
they fall away.
The veils of illusion.
The imprints of confusion.
Clarity emerges.
Certainty appears.
Truth is looking back at you
in the mirror.
Your qualities are becoming apparent.
Your ideas of shortcoming melt away.
The shimmering threads
that make up the core of your being
are finally coming together.
You see the contours of your Essence.
You are Homo Luminous.
The Shining One.
No more hiding under the pretence of protection.
It is more than safe to come out.
Into the light.
Into the open.
Sharing your gifts.
That is the prerequisite for fulfillment.
It is not a prophecy,
it is a fact.
So go wherever Joy takes you.
It may take you in some unexpected directions.
It may take your breath away.
But it will deLight not just you,
but us ALL.