The full spectrum of your light

You are unveiling

the full spectrum of your light.

It is a quiet affair,

not one of bells and whistles.

This stillness can at often times

be mistaken for a standstill.

But it is not.

It is the most fertile of spaces.

For it is in the stillness

that everything becomes apparent.

Where YOU become clear.

So be in this space.

Allow it to hold you.

Let your Self show itself to you.

Then, you will begin to understand

the full scope of your potential.

Where New Life arises

In the churning waters of chaos

is where New Life arises.

Far beyond the limits of your imagination.

Confusion may be ripe,

but know that everything

is moving in the right direction.

Not seeing is not the same as not knowing.

Remember, at the depths of your being,

all is well.


So too in this.

So rest in that space of not seeing the next step.

For you are on your way back to your own fullness.

But it will happen only when the time is right.

In the meantime,

find your way into that stillness

that is at the heart of the chaos.

That is where deep knowing is.

That is where peace resides.

That is where you will find yourself again.

The Great Stillness

Feel into the presence of Presence.

In this Great Stillness,

you may feel lost.

As if being adrift at sea,

with no sense of direction,

no port in sight.

But fret not,

for you are neither lost

nor off course.

It is simply time for you

to just BE.


there is a time to sow,

and a time to reap.

But there is also

that equally important time in-between.

This is where you are at the moment.

Like a child in the womb,

seemingly in-active,

yet at the same time developing fast.

So let go of the illusion of

being inadequate and unproductive.

You do what you are here to do best,

when you allow yourself

to sit within this stillness.

It is the most fertile of Spaces,

offered up as a gift

to help you grow

to your fullest potential.

The stillness speaks loudly

The stillness speaks loudly.

Behold the dance of life unfolding around you.

Swimming in the gentleness of the late evening Sun.

Soaking up the nurturing sounds that surround you.

You are being held within this sacred space.

Held, so you can continue

to grow, explore, unfold your Self.

So embrace the journey ahead

Keep going forwards, step by step,

and see the path of life coming towards you.