Ripples of Light

Ripples of light

continue to spread across this planet.

Penetrating ever deeper

into the murky, unresolved.

One by one, souls light up.

One by one, hearts open up.

Ready to receive

the glory and the grace

that is calling you

from the very depth of the Universe.

Rejoice, says the light,

you are born again.

And so it is,

and so it will be.


Dear friends! Early this morning, I was called down to the beach. Then, this message came through. We have just experienced a period of intense rain and strong winds, so waking up to this calm, sunny day made me feel as if the entire world was “born again”.

Alchemical fires are burning

Alchemical fires are burning.

Sweeping across the firmament,

dancing into the night.

It is a fire to be celebrated,

not feared.

Connect with this fire,

and it will fuel the flames

of your own resurrection.

Like Phoenix you will rise,

shining brighter than ever before.

Remember, the ashes of the old

are the best nourishment

for all things new.

So dance, dance, dance.

Let the power of Life

entice you fully back to life again.

The Spiraling Sun – Easter message

After I received this message, I was guided to go outside. This is what I saw.

The spiraling Sun

is emitting starbursts of light.

Vital clues as to what this will entail

can only be found within.

For this is a heart based activation,

an individual song that will arise

from your core.

So sing your song

and sound your horn.

It is time to present your Self

to the world.

Welcome to the March Gathering in Grace, Sunday March 5

The light from the future

is illuminating the past.

In this timelessness,

you act as a portal,

a provider of change.

Jubilant encodings flow

abundantly into your field

as you become saturated by the Sun

and lit up by the Moon.

New harmonics are activated

when you attune yourself to these

new frequencies.

Remember – wherever you go,

change will follow.

Dear friends! March has arrived, with its immense energies leading up to the Equinox. I keep hearing “the times they are a-changing”, and I have a feeling I am not the only one sensing big changes coming up ahead… In times like these, it is always helpful to remind ourselves that we are not alone in all of this. Coming together, either in person or in spirit, is the best way to calm the waters and light up the heart. This Sunday, March 5, at 19:00 our time (UTC + 1) we invite you to join us for the March Gathering in Grace. Let us come together as ONE – no matter where you are in the world – and tune into these new frequencies together in a 30 minute meditation. Thank you for being such a magnificent “provider of change”  – wherever we go, change will follow!

With love, light and gratitude from all of us here at OM Stavika, Land of Grace
Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia 💞

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 19:00 Norway time (UTC+1) in your time zone here.