Welcome to the December Gathering in Grace, Sunday December 1

This is one of the first water colour paintings I channeled as Aisha North. I painted it in 2015, while I visited Mt Shasta, using water from the Headwaters Spring there. You can see more of my paintings and read the words accompanying them at https://aishanorthwaterspeaks.wordpress.com

Flow with the fluidity of each moment.

Embrace the ebb and flow on every single day.

Do not try to hold on to what was,

nor reach after what may become

in this ever changing landscape of your beingness.

This is not a time to strive for anything.

Rather, it is a time for releasing,

of letting go of all of your expectations.

Remember, what you seek

may not be what you need.

Your imagination is expanding,

but it is still not yet able

to fully fathom what lies ahead.

Your mind has its boundaries,

but your heart knows none.

So step into the limitlessness of the future.

Open yourself up to the vast field

of potential that awaits you.

The yet to be defined landscape

may seem daunting.

But remember,

you will not be exploring it all by yourself.

For the vastness of this blank canvas is such,

it needs to be co-created.

A world of souls, coming together.

Each bringing in their own brilliant box of paints.

A colorful community of unique individuals,

crafting a multihued, vibrant and wonderful world.

One where all are equal,

yet play out their part in ways no one else can.

Dear friends!
This Sunday is December 1. The first day in the last month of 2024. It is also the day of the December New Moon. What a perfect time to come together for our December Gathering in Grace! At 20:00 our time (UTC+1), we invite you to join us in spirit for a 30 minute meditation to celebrate what has been and to welcome in what will be. Let us bring our own special box of colours, and begin to fill in that vast, blank canvas of the future together.

Thank you for all of the light and all of the colour you have added to this year! Let us continue to fill the days and weeks ahead with an endless supply of vibrancy, vitality and LOVE for ALL.

With love, light and gratitude from all of us here at Land of Grace • OM Stavika;
Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia 💞

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 20:00 Norway time (UTC+1) in your time zone here.

The Flower of Life

The Flower of Life.

The flower that is you.

A Seed of Infinite potential.

Nestled in the deep, dark loam.


Until one day, you awaken.

Stirring softly into life.

At first, tentative roots emerge,

searching for connection.

Then, you appear.

A tender shoot.

Vulnerable, yet powerful enough

to break through any surface.

The Light is calling you.

Ever outwards, ever upwards.

Your roots sustaining you,

burrowing deeper and deeper.

Drawing nourishment and support

from Mother Earth herself.

You gather strength,

unfolding day by day.

Revealing more and more

of what was previously hidden.

And now, the time is here.

Are you ready to bloom?

New Moon Message

Diving ever deeper

into the mystery that is you.

Revealing layer after layer,

inviting you to find

what is still hidden from view.

For just like the New Moon,

not visible is not the same

as not present.

It is always there.

A force to be reckoned with.

Empowering your life.

Lightening your road.

A treasure trove

for you to uncover.

For the depth of your wisdom is immense.

So too the scope of your gifts.

So give yourself the gift

of continuing to discover even more.

The true bandwidth of your light

may be beyond your imagination.

But it is never beyond reach.

Welcome to the April Gathering in Grace, Sunday April 2

Witness the coming of age of humanity

as all outmoded structures

founded on fear continue to collapse.

In times like these,

forgetfulness is the key to knowingness.

Erasing all traces of imprinted patterns

will once again bring out the inherent wisdom

carried within each and every one of you.

A personal store of knowledge,

kept safely tucked away for this moment in time.

For this is the time

when your true colours start to shine.

Brilliant hues,

perfectly matched to the

new pathways of light

that are already forming.

Each individual strand of knowledge

is tailor made to fit seamlessly

into the weave being created.

A tapestry of light that

will encompass all of mankind,

and nurture you through

the next phase of your evolution.

Dear friends!
March is coming to an end. It has been a month filled with intense energetic upgrades, a true whirlwind of change. At the same time, there is  stillness in all of this flow. Like a space is opening up for all of us to simply BE in. This Sunday, April 2, at 19:00 our time (UTC +2) we invite you to join us for 30 minutes of stillness in our April Gathering in Grace. It is the beginning of Easter week, a week that is referred to as “the quiet week” in Norwegian. Let us weave together our individual strands of light and create a beautiful tapestry where we all can just allow ourselves to be held. Together, we shine! We are so looking forward to see all of our “true colours” this Sunday!

With love, light and gratitude from Bente, Lisbeth and Eva Julia here at OM Stavika, Land of Grace 💞

PS: you can find the time that corresponds with 19:00 Norway time (UTC+2) in your time zone here.